Liberia: Limited Security Observed At District#11 Precincts

Precincts within Montserrado County Electoral District#11, specifically Barnesville were left with one or no security at all, during the October 10, 2023 Presidential and General Elections.

Only one police officer was visibly present in precincts at New Life Ministry Center by 9 PM while counting process was ongoing. Polling Places 2 and 5 of the Precinct were outside the building covered with tarpaulin and a piece of plywood at the entrance.

An individual who claimed to be a staff of the National Elections Commission came by 9 PM and said he was under the tarpaulin, serving as an observer in the day, but left to go eat, something that sparked tension at the center.

The lone Police officer present tried intervening but was overwhelmed by the self-pronounced NEC staff that failed to identify himself, a situation that brought the counting to a standstill, as Polling Place#5.

Earlier, at the same Precinct, ruling Coalition for Democratic Change Representative Candidate Jim Garwolo, who had gone to vote, was seen taking pictures, and when told to stop, resisted, arguing that "even President Weah's pictures were taken when the President went to vote, and Candidate Frank Saah Foko took along someone to take his pictures too, so no one can stop me from bringing someone to take my Pictures."

Turnout in District#11 like elsewhere in the country was huge as Liberians came out in their numbers peacefully to cast their votes.

However, voters complained of slowness of the process, saying that they were in queue as early as 6 AM, but waited patiently up to four hours later, to cast their votes.

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At E. Jonathan Goodridge Precinct center, group of boys were in the queue claiming that they came to help voters to scan their voting cards. Editing by Jonathan Browne

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