Mozambique: Court Orders Correction of Some Data in Nampula and Renamo Appeals to the Constitutional Council

Municipal election results announced by Friday 22.00 on October 13, 2023.

The judge of the Nampula District court only ordered the Nampula CDE to correct data in some editais. Renamo announced it will appeal to the Constitutional Council, on the grounds that it doesn't make sense just to have some data corrected, and because that wasn't part of their complaint. According to Ossufo Ulane, Renamo's representative, the Council's decision shows that the appeal was not fully considered.

In its appeal, Renamo asked for the election result to be annulled and for a new count to be carried out. It also asked that competing political parties be notified so that the minutes of the polling station tabulation and editais could be compared.

According to Renamo, "the judge didn't decide anything, he just pushed us towards the Constitutional Council. So far Renamo has won, according to the minutes of the public notices that we have and these are the ones that we wanted the court to analyse and compare with the other parties, but it didn't."

Other Court Rejections

Manjacaze, Renamo and the MDM claims were rejected by the CDE and the District Court. The district court rejected Renamo's appeal on the grounds that it needs an opinion from the CDE. But the president of the CDE did not agree to consider the appeal and since Thursday, the day after the elections, she has not attended the CDE or taken phone calls from her colleagues. The case is now before the Constitutional Council. The MDM also had its request rejected by the CDE due to the alleged delay. The claim is currently before the court in the city of Xai-Xai.

The Judicial Court of Mocuba, Zambezia, dismissed three appeals filed by Renamo, denouncing fraudulent manoeuvres by Frelimos. Pires António Meque, presiding judge of the district court of Mocuba, ruled that the challenges raised in these appeals are unfounded.

In Marracuene, the District Court also dismissed Renamo's appeal. Disgruntled, Renamo appealed.

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