Liberia: Bong County Senator-Elect Johnny Kpehe Undecided

Bong County Senator-elect Johnny Kpehe has denied rumors that he has decided to throw his weight behind the re-election bid of President George Manneh Weah and the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC).

President Weah and opposition leader Amb. Joseph Nyumah Boakai of the former ruling Unity Party are expected to face a run-off this November.

Following the first round of the election, President Weah obtained 803, 956 votes, constituting 43.84 %, while Boakai obtained 796, 513, constituting 43.43%.

Speaking to the New Dawn on Sunday, 22 October 2023, Mt. Kpehe denied speculation that he has declared his support for the CDC.

"I have not yet taken a side in this presidential run-off election. What people are saying ... are falsehood and misleading," he said.

"This is a highly contentious election and I haven't come out with any decision yet until the right time comes," he said.

"There's no agreement between the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), neither the Unity Party (UP), so don't go by that," Senator-elect Kpehe added.

He acknowledged that both parties have reached out to him for his support, but he remains undecided.

Bong is one of the vote-rich counties in Liberia, and it would be an advantage for any of the parties that may get bulk of the votes from there.

On 10 October 10 2023, the CDC won Bong County.

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