Liberia: Confirmed!

-Citizens show 11 Senators the door

At least about 11 incumbent senators have been butted out of the Senate, according to results emanating from the October 10, 2023, Presidential and Legislative elections. This means only four of the 15 incumbent Senators that were up for re-election retained their seats.

The 11 Senators are- Senator Cllr. Varney G. Sherman of Grand Capemount County was replaced by Dabah M. Varvpilah. Cllr. Sherman, a former chairman of the opposition Unity Party would later run as an independent candidate only to be defeated by a candidate of his former party-UP's Dabah M. Varvpilah,

Next is Senator Morris G. Saytumah of Bomi County, again another steward of the former ruling Unity Party who jumped ship at the eleventh hour to support incumbent President George Weah's reelection bid. Booed by citizens at the early stages of the 2023 October 10 campaign, he was kicked out by former House Speaker Alex Taylo, a former member of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) who withdrew his support and contested as an independent candidate.

In Bong County, Senator Dr. Henrique Tokpah's 18-year journey at the Legislature came to an end, when Johnny Kpehe, an independent candidate whose popularity took Bong County by storm during the 2023 elections.

In Grand Bassa County, Sen. Jonathan Kaipay was the 4th Senator to vacate his seat for former Senate Pro-tempt Gbehzonhngar M. Findley, who is making a comeback.

A former member of the opposition Unity Party and a sympathizer of the ruling CDC, Findley would soon jump ship to pledge his support to the Collaborating Political Party (CPP) but would choose to contest as an independent candidate. Findley is being viewed as the rising Godfather of Bassa Politics.

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Findley also served as Foreign Minister in the Weah government before resigning to contest in the December 2020 mid-term Senatorial Election, he was defeated by incumbent Sen. Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence.

Senator Milton Teahjay, a former sympathizer of the CDC during the 2005 presidential runoff, would later join the Unity Party following his appointment by ex-President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf as Superintendent of Sinoe. He would later leave the post to contest as Senator in 2017, which he won. During the months leading to the 2023 election, Teahjay tried to beat his path back at the CDC but could only do that by alignment.

He was woefully defeated by someone he had regarded as a son-Crayton Oldman Ducan, Sinoe's outgoing District #1 Representative.

Number 6 on the list of outgoing senators is Sen. Jim Tornonlah of Margibi County. Sen. Tornonlah's chances of retaining his seat were made visibly impossible when former Minister of State Nathaniel McGill joined the race on the ticket of the ruling CDC.

McGill surfaced in Margibi to contest the Senatorial race there following his resignation from government months after the US put him on sanction for alleged corruption here.

Senator Marshall Dennis of Grand Gedeh County settled as the 7th defeated Senator who will not be returning to the Capitol. He was kicked out by Mr. Thomas Yaya Nimely of the Liberia Reconstruction Party (LRP).

At number 8 is Daniel Naatehn Sr. (Deceased) of Gbarpolu County. A former member of the CPP, he was replaced by former Finance and Development Planning Minister Amara Konneh. Mr. Konneh, who contested as an independent had easy access to the Capitol.

Senator Stephen Zargo of Lofa County sits at number 9 among the outgoing senators. He was defeated at the hotly contested Lofa County ballot by Security expert Momo T. Cyrus an independent but with allegiance to the ruling CDC.

Senator Francis S. Paye of Rivercess is recorded as the 10th and second Senator to be defeated by a US designee. Mr. Bill T. Twehway, former Managing Director of the National Port Authority was one of three persons sanctioned by the US Government for alleged corruption.

Twehway resigned and relocated to Rivercess County where he would son run on the ticket of the CDC. Twehway, a former Representative once contested on the ticket of the former ruling Unity Party but lost his seat in 2017.

The last Senator on the list of departees is Sen. Conmany Wesseh of River Gee County. Sen. Wesseh was forced out by Rep. Francis S. Dopoh, who contested as an Independent Candidate after he failed to win the Unity Party's nomination. He lost to Sen. Wesseh at the party's primaries but defeated him at the national election.

Meanwhile, the four senators who retained their seats are Sen. Saah H. Joseph of the ruling CDC (Montserrado County, Nimba County Sen. Prince Y. Johnson (MDR), Maryland County Sen. J Gbleh Bo Browne of the CDC, and Senate- Pro-tempt Albert T. Chie (CDC). -edited by Othello B. Garblah

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