Ghana: VRA Assures Dam Spillage Victims of Continued Support

24 October 2023

The Volta River Authority (VRA) has assured the public that it would continue to monitor the flooding occasioned by the spillage of the Akosombo and Kpong Dams and provide the needed support to affected communities.

In collaboration with the National Disaster Management Organisation (NADMO) and the other relevant agencies, the Authority said it would work to bring relief and assistance for restoration to normalcy, with no one left behind.

This was contained in a statement issued yesterday to update the public on efforts the Authority had made, since the spillage of the dams resulted in flooding, displaced many people and destroyed property in several communities within parts of the Volta, Greater Accra, and Eastern Regions.

The VRA said it was compelled to commence controlled spillage of excess inflows into the Akosombo and Kpong Hydro-electric Dams on September 15, 2023, which was within the various graduated stages of the EPP phase one spillage rate.

It said on October 9, 2023, the spill rate was increased to phase 2, due to persistent rainfall which resulted in continuous rise of the water level in the Akosombo Dam.

"This event, which was unforeseeable and unavoidable, was carried out in accordance with statute and all regulatory requirements. VRA empathises with all affected persons," the statement explained.

It said the VRA was helping to ensure the protection of lives and livelihood in those affected areas, through the evacuation of victims to designated safe havens.

It described as gratifying that although figures collated by NADMO showed that about 36,000, people had been affected so far, no life had been lost.

It said the VRA and the entire relief team was supplying food items to the victims as well as other non-food items to bring some relief to them.

The statement said the VRA had deployed water tankers to consistently make water available to the affected people; provided medical items and personnel to screen and administered medical treatment to emerging health issues.

It said the Authority had provided buses, trucks and pick-up vehicles to assist in the internal transportation of both goods and affected people; restored the damaged community water supply pumps in Aveyime and installed a portable water treatment system at the St. Kizito School, safe haven, in Mepe.

With the support of the Ministry of Energy, it said the VRA had distributed 5000 solar lamps to various safe havens and together with ECG, power supply has been reconnected to the St. Kizito safe haven in Mepe.

Among other items, it said the VRA had also committed GH¢20 million towards alleviating the adverse impact on the affected communities as a result of the unavoidable spillage of excess inflow into the Akosombo and Kpong Dams.

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