Ghana: 'Be Courageous, Enthusiastic' ...Ebo Whyte Inspires Young Software Developers

24 October 2023

Ninety six trainees who had acquired skills in software development, including mobile and web-based applications, were at the weekend awarded certificates as techpreneurs to begin their own businesses.

They were trained by Codetrain Africa, a leading coding bootcamp dedicated to providing hands-on training to young people across the African continent.

Addressing the young trainees, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Roverman Productions, Ebo Whyte, said there were codes to life just as computers and softwares had their own programming.

He advised newly trained software developers to exhibit courage and enthusiasm as they step into the world of work.

He stressed the importance of staying organised and delivering on promises to persons within and outside professional networks as technprenuers to apply their skills to solve problems.

Mr Whyte said Codetrain Africa was a leading coding bootcamp dedicated to providing hands-on training to young people. The 'Demo Day' event saw trainees demonstrate various mobile and web-based applications meant to provide real life solutions.

Defining the "codes" to life, he said the trainees must strive to apply the principles of confidence, organisation, delivery and enthusiasm as they aim to excel in their respective fields.

Mr Whyte, who is also an author, observed that some people took delight in being "disorganised" but software developers should learn to organise their lives, thoughts and time as they continue to be creative.

Mr Richard Brandt, Chief Executive Officer, Codetrain Africa, said talent knew no boundaries, therefore, empowering the youth with coding skills was a step to nurturing future leaders, innovators and change makers.

"These young minds are now equipped to contribute to the global tech ecosystem, bringing diverse perspectives and impactful solutions.

"Our commitment extends beyond the classroom. We aspire to bridge the gap between potential and opportunity, ensuring that African youth don't just participate, but lead in shaping the digital future," he said.

He added that Codetrain Africa, delivering its mission, had trained over 600 people with 89 per cent gaining employment with local and international companies within nine months after graduation.

The CEO of MITA also advised the graduands to continue sharpening their skills and form partnerships to enable them to grow in the industry.

"It is always better to succeed together. People will contribute to your success and you will contribute to other people's success. Stay humble and learn from those ahead of you," he said.

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