Ghana: Vivo Energy Donates Television Set to Airport Police MTTD

24 October 2023

Vivo Energy Ghana on Friday donated a television set to the Airport Police Motor Traffic and Transport Division (MTTD) Station in Accra, as a demonstration of its commitment to promoting road safety awareness within communities.

The Corporate Communications Manager of Vivo Energy Ghana, Shirley Tony Kum, said the display of the television would enable the station showcase engaging educational content and informative visual aids to enhance the public's understanding of the critical aspects of road safety.

"By leveraging the power of visual communication, we can effectively convey the importance of approved speed limits, respecting road traffic regulations among other key safety measures," she said.

She said the donation was a symbol of collaboration, commitment and progress in pursuit of creating a safer and more responsible society.

"Let us harness the potential of this device to sow seeds of awareness and consciousness that will ultimately contribute to the reduction of road accidents and the preservation of precious lives," Mrs Kum said.

She called on Ghanaians to embrace the medium of education and ensure that they appreciate the essence of responsible driving.

On his part, the Divisional Commander Chief Superintendent, John Atangah, said the donation would help reduce the spate of traffic accident, morbidity and mortality on the roads.

He said the challenge of the MTTD was safety on the roads and that there was the need to sensitise the public on it.

"This "45" television donated to this unit will surely be fixed at the charge office to air police educational documentary to our clients," he said.

He said the police administration through the initiative of the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Dr George Akuffo Dampare, "GH Police TV" has come to stay with its educational programmes, including road safety tips.

He also appealed to corporate organisations to emulate the gesture of Vivo Energy Ghana and support the Police Service.

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