Nigeria: Supreme Court - Tinubu's Election As President Is Hereby Affirmed

27 October 2023

Basking in the euphoria of yesterday's Supreme Court judgement which affirmed his election on February 25, 2023 as President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, President Bola Tinubu has called on all Nigerians, including members of the opposition political parties to join hands with him in order to build a great country.

In a statement entitled: "It is Time for us to Build Our Great Nation Together," personally signed by him, Tinubu welcomed the verdict of the Justice John Okoro-led Panel of the Supreme Court on the Presidential Election petitions filed by candidates of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and the Labour Party (LP), challenging the ruling of the Presidential Election Petition Tribunal.

Earlier yesterday, a seven-man panel of justices of the apex court affirmed Tinubu's election shortly after dismissing two separate appeals filed by candidates of the PDP, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar and LP, Mr Peter Obi, seeking the nullification of Tinubu's victory at the February 25 presidential election. The panel in a unanimous decision held that the two appeals were lacking in merit as they did not provide any credible or convincing evidence to set aside the judgment of the Presidential Election Petition Court, which last month held that Tinubu was legally qualified to contest the February 25 presidential election and that the electoral umpire was right when it declared Tinubu president.

However, in their separate reactions, the PDP and LP expressed disappointment over the ruling, while on the other hand, former President Muhammadu Buhari, Afenifere, Speaker of the House of Representatives, the All Progressives Congress (APC) and some state governors, all welcomed the Supreme Court judgement and congratulated Tinubu on the verdict.

Continuing, President Tinubu noted that the apex court did justice to all issues put up for consideration in the petitions on the merits of the law, without fear or favour.

The President in the release stated, inter alia: "There is no doubt, with the profound judgment of today, that our electoral jurisprudence and constitutional democracy are further consolidated and embedded more indelibly in our national identity because of the diligence and undaunted professionalism of the Honourable Justices who presided over the matter.

"While the verdict of today has laid to rest the agitating discourse over who truly won the 2023 presidential election and met the constitutional requirements as laid out by law, I want to reiterate that my faith in our nation's judiciary has never been shaken, not even for a moment, because I know that our hallowed courts of law will not fail to administer justice to all Nigerians in all matters and at all times. "Despite the fusillade of pressure and attempts at intimidation by some political actors, the judiciary demonstrated its unequivocal commitment to upholding the rule of law for the upliftment and defense of humanity.

"It was affirmed once more today, that my party, the governing APC had freely and fairly won the popular mandate of Nigerians, which has since given rise to my leadership of this great nation at a tumultuous period of unprecedented reforms in our history as a nation.

"With deep gratitude to God Almighty, I solemnly and humbly accept today's judicial victory with an intense sense of responsibility and a burning desire to meet the great challenges confronting our people."

He added: "The victory of today has further energised and strengthened my commitment to continue to serve all Nigerians of all political persuasions, tribes, and faiths, with honour and total respect for the diverse opinions and uniting values of our citizens.

"Our Renewed Hope agenda for a greater and prosperous Nigeria has further gained momentum and I will continue to work from morning to night, every single day, to build a country that meets our collective yearnings and aspirations.

"We are all members of one household, and this moment demands that we continue to work and build our country together. The strength of our diversity and the great citizenship that binds us must now compel us forward in directing the energy of our people towards building a virile, stronger, united, and more prosperous country.

"In the days and months ahead, I trust that the spirit of patriotism will be elevated into supporting our administration to improve the living conditions of Nigerians. I am prepared to welcome the contributions of all Nigerians to foster and strengthen our collective progress.

"I send my immense gratitude to all Nigerians for the mandate to serve our country. I promise again to meet and exceed your expectations in service delivery and good governance, working with my team and trusting in the grace of God."

How Supreme Court Affirmed Tinubu's Election as President

The Supreme Court yesterday affirmed Tinubu's election as President of Nigeria. A seven-man panel of justices of the apex court affirmed Tinubu's election shortly after dismissing two separate appeals filed by candidates of the PDP, Atiku and LP, Peter Obi, seeking the nullification of Tinubu's victory at the February 25 presidential election.

The panel in a unanimous decision held that the two appeals were lacking in merit as they did not provide any credible or convincing evidence to set aside the judgment of the Presidential Election Petition Court, which last month held that Tinubu was legally qualified to contest the February 25 presidential election and that the electoral umpire was right when it declared Tinubu president.

While stating that all issues raised for determination were resolved against the appellants, the apex court held that, "On the whole, there is no merit in this appeal and it is hereby dismissed.

"The judgment of the lower court delivered on 6 September declaring Tinubu president is hereby affirmed."

Both Atiku and Obi had in their separate appeals prayed the apex court to set aside the judgment of the presidential election tribunal which had on September 6, dismissed their petitions against the emergence of Tinubu as president.

The petitioners had hinged their individual request for the voiding of Tinubu's victory on grounds of alleged non-compliance, irregularities, corrupt practices and non-qualification of Tinubu to contest the poll.

Specifically, they had contended that the failure of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to transmit results of the presidential election real time, substantially affected the election. They had also accused INEC and Tinubu of suppressing and diverting their scores.

In addition, they had claimed that INEC was wrong in declaring Tinubu as winner of the poll having not won majority of the lawful votes as well as securing 25 per cent of votes cast in the Federal Capital Territory.

They had also claimed that Tinubu should be disqualified on account of alleged forgery, perjury, dual citizenship, forfeiture of the sum of $460,000 over alleged complicity in drug related offences and alleged double nomination of the vice president, Kashim Shettima.

However, after newly six months of litigations, the five-member panel of the presidential tribunal led by Justice Haruna Tsammani, had held that there was no prove of the allegations made against the February 25 presidential election and that Tinubu was qualified to participate in the election.

The dismissal of the petitioners necessitated the instant appeals which were also dismissed by the apex court in a unanimous judgment.

According to the justices, the appellants have not advanced any cogent reason why the judgments of the lower court should be voided.

Delivering judgment in the 1st appeal filed by Atiku and the PDP, Justice John Inyang Okoro, who read the lead judgment yesterday, observed that the issues for determination by the court bordered around alleged electoral fraud, President Tinubu's non-qualification, and non-compliance of the conduct of the disputed election with the provisions of the Electoral Act.

On the issue of non-compliance, the apex court which agreed with the tribunal that the appellants did not present relevant evidence to prove this allegation pointed out that the appellants abandoned the duty placed on them to prove non-compliance and rely solely on INEC's failure to transmit results real time.

According to Okoro, "the unavailability of results on the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) Result Viewing (IReV) cannot be a ground to nullify" the February 25 presidential election which produced Asiwaju Bola Tinubu as President.

In addition, the apex court held that failure to transmit results to IReV does not affect the results of the election, because the IREV portal was not a collation system.

"IREV is not a collation center. Whenever iREV fails, it doesn't stop collation of results because collation never stopped," the apex court held, adding that the results on the IReV were meant to be compared with the hardcopy results in an event of a dispute.

Besides, Okoro agreed with the respondents and the tribunal that INEC has the constitutional right to determine how it organise or collate results.

On the issue of striking out certain paragraphs of the replies of the appellants as well as expunging the statement and evidence of some petitioners' witnesses, Okoro pointed out that allowing the statements and evidences of the witnesses would confer undue advantage on the appellants as the time for the respondents to file in their reply had elapsed.

Besides the apex court held that allowing the statements would amount to amending or brining additional evidence outside the 21 days permitted by law.

Similarly, the apex court held that the claim of votes suppression and diversion were not proved because the appellants failed to call witnesses from the polling units where such occurred, adding that the statements of the Ward, Local Government, State and National agents were more of hearsay since they could only testify of what they saw in the polling units and not across the country where election held.

On the contentious FCT issue, the apex court disagreed with the appellants that a candidate must secure 25 per cent of votes cast in the FCT before he or she can be declared winner. Okoro observed that going by that interpretation would place the FCT higher than other states of the federation.

In the whole, the apex court resolved all seven issues for determination in favour of the respondents which include; INEC, Tinubu and APC.

Earlier, the apex court declined to accept fresh evidence from Atiku to prove that Tinubu forged the certificate it submitted to INEC in aid of his qualification for the 2023 presidential election.

The court held that it lacked jurisdiction to do so on grounds that it was brought outside the 180 days provided by law.

Atiku had asked for leave to present fresh evidence obtained from the Chicago State University (CSU) in proof of his allegation that the certificate Tinubu submitted to INEC for qualification in the 2023 presidential poll was not issued by CSU.

The fresh evidence rejected was a 32-page document containing Tinubu's academic record from the Chicago State University where Tinubu claimed he graduated from in 1979. The 1979 certificate released to Atiku showed remarkable difference from the one Tinubu submitted to INEC.

Besides, a deponent who swore on oath to the genuineness of the documents released to Atiku, under cross examination admitted that the university did not issue the certificate Tinubu submitted to INEC.

However, Atiku had brought in the fresh evidence to the Supreme Court on October 6, one month after the tribunal delivered its judgment on September 6, 2023.

He had urged the apex court to accept the evidence in the interest of the nation and justice, pointing out that the issue of alleged forgery by a presidential candidate was a very weighty constitutional matter.

But, in their judgment, the apex court held that the application, "cannot be granted" because it was coming after the mandatory time provided by law for the court to entertain and decide such application.

They cited Section 285 of the Constitution which provides that a petitioner must file his case within 21 days while the tribunal must have to hear and determine within 180 days. Pointing out that the law was sacrosanct, Okoro noted that the fresh application which was brought on October 6, was brought after the case had expired on September 17, and cannot be accepted by the apex court, since the tribunal has hands off from the case.

He observed that Atiku had filed his petition on March 21, on the last day provided by the law, while the presidential election tribunal delivered its judgment on September 6, 2023, few days to the expiration of the 180 days.

In dismissing the application, the apex court held that it cannot do what the tribunal can no longer do by virtue of Section 285 of the Constitution.

Since the lower court has no jurisdiction to entertain the application, it follows that the Supreme Court cannot do anything with it, Okoro added, stressing that the time for doing certain things as prescribed by the law cannot be extended.

"The 180 days is immutable and cannot be extended. They did not ask for extension of time to amend their petition to bring in their deposition, even at that it can still not be accepted", Okoro held.

Besides, the apex court noted that the appellants did not plead forgery in their case and did not even apply for amendment to reflect forgery before seeking to tender fresh evidence of forgery against Tinubu.

Meanwhile, the apex court also dismissed Obi's appeal barely few minutes after it dismissed Atiku's for also lacking in merit.

According to the apex court most of the issues raised by Obi in his appeal were similar to the ones which were dealt with in the appeal by Atiku.

Okoro, noted that the only issue not dealt with was that of double nomination which had already been dealt with some months ago.

"It is the view of this court that the issue having been dealt with by this court on May 26, 2023, this court cannot allow the matter to be re-litigated; there must be an end to litigation.

"The appeal is devoid of any merit and it is accordingly dismissed.

"The judgment of the court below is hereby affirmed," Okoro held.

The judgment yesterday, finally put an end to all litigations concerning the 2023, presidential election.

It also brought great relief to the winners and some great lessons to those who lost.

Buhari: Supreme Court's Dismissal Of Atiku, Obi's Appeal Relief to Nigerians

Former President, Muhammadu Buhari, described the verdict of the Supreme Court that dismissed the appeals by Atiku and Obi against the election of Tinubu as a welcome relief to him and majority of Nigerians.

The ex-President, in a statement issued yesterday, by his spokesperson, Mallam Garba Shehu, repeated what he said about the September 6, 2023 verdict of the Presidential Election Petition Court which affirmed Tinubu's victory that the decision was, "a reaffirmation of the will of the majority of the people against the determined will of a hard-fighting minority."

According to him: "Now that we have arrived at the last bus stop, after a tortuous eight months of expensive legal journey, the nation deserves a break.

"The opposition has fought a good fight. Having now exhausted their rights as constitutionally allowed, they should take the hand of fellowship extended by the Tinubu/Shettima APC government. "Let them allow the government to run their administration and the people to have the benefit of the promises the APC."

However, the former president expressed concern over low voting percentage all over the country, especially in urban areas, saying this should change given the acceptance and vibrancy of democracy in Nigeria.

Tinubu's Supreme Court Victory for All Nigerians, Says Abbas, Kalu

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Abbas Tajudeen, and his Deputy, Ben Kalu, described the victory of Bola Tinubu at the Supreme Court as the victory for all.

The Speaker in a statement issued yesterday, by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Musa Krishi, hailed the judiciary for remaining the last hope of the common man.

He noted that the judgment by the Supreme Court further strengthened legal jurisprudence in Nigeria.

Abbas added: "I want to congratulate His Excellency, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu on the affirmation of the mandate given to him by Nigerians at the Supreme Court.

"It is indeed a victory for democracy. The entire judicial process further confirms and solidifies the rule of law in our country.

"It is my sincere hope that the opponents, after exercising their constitutional rights to challenge the electoral victory up to the apex court in the land, will consider working with Mr. President to deliver his 'Renewed Hope Agenda,' aimed at addressing the pressing socio-economic and security issues affecting Nigerians."

Also, the Deputy Speaker has congratulated the President on the judgement of the Supreme Court which affirmed his election as the President.

Kalu, in a statement issued Thursday by his Chief Press Secretary, Mr. Levinus Nwabughiogu, said by the victory, democracy has triumphed in Nigeria.

The Deputy Speaker said the ruling of the apex court also affirmed the will of Nigerians as expressed at the polls on February 25, 2023.

PDP: Supreme Court Judgment Disappointing, Concerning

The PDP yesterday said it was appalled by the judgment of the Supreme Court in the petition filed by its presidential candidate, Atiku, against the declaration of the APC and Tinubu as winners of the presidential election by INEC.

In a statement by its National Publicity Secretary, Debo Ologunagba, the main opposition party noted that, "The PDP and indeed majority of Nigerians are alarmed, disappointed and gravely concerned with the reasoning of the Supreme Court which the PDP believes is against the express provisions of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended), the Electoral Act, 2022, the Guideline and Regulation issued by INEC under which the election was conducted.

"The PDP asserts that it is indeed a sad commentary for our democracy that the Supreme Court failed to uphold the provisions of the law.

"Instead, it trashed the expectation of majority of Nigerians who looked up to it as a Temple of Impartiality to deliver substantial justice in the matter having regards to the laws and facts of the case."

He stressed that Nigerians earnestly expected the Supreme Court to uphold and defend the clear provisions of the 1999 Constitution in terms of qualification and minimum requirement for a winner to be declared in a presidential election in Nigeria especially with regards to the required statutory 25 per cent of votes in the FCT as well as issues of violation of electoral rules and guidelines, brazen manipulations and alterations of election results by the APC.

According to the PDP, "Nigerians are still at a loss as to how the Supreme Court condoned the serious issues of forgery, falsehood and perjury on the altar of technicalities.

"The general gloom, melancholy and sense of despondency across the country upon the delivery of the judgment is an ominous sign of eerie situation which portend grave consequences because of the disappointment embedded in the judgment.

"This judgment by the Supreme Court has evidently shaken the confidence of Nigerians in the judiciary, especially the Supreme Court as the last hope of the common man.", Ologunagba stated.

The PDP said that it remained undeterred and charged Nigerians not to be discouraged or allow the judgment to detract from their collective quest for the entrenchment of a credible electoral system that can guarantee a government that truly derive its legitimacy from the people.

LP: Struggle to Build Nation Where Justice Reign Destroyed

In its reaction to the Supreme Court judgement, the leadership of LP, yesterday said it was bewildered as the sacred fabric of justice and good conscience was shredded as the apex court delivered its verdict in the case between the party, its presidential candidate and the APC presidential candidate

A statement by the National Chairman of the party Julius Abure, stated, "We are indeed very shocked and surprised that even the apex court will toe the line of an earlier judgement in spite of all the flaws associated with the judgement delivered by the Presidential Election Appeal Tribunal.

"Having conclusively exercised our fundamental rights as gifted to us by the laws of the land, we have no other choice but to move on. We may be disappointed and dismayed by the outcome of the exercise, but we have chosen to trudge on and to remain optimistic of what the future holds for the nation.", Abure said.

According to Abure, "We weep for our institutions that cannot rise to the occasion and courageously defend democracy and the voices of our people".

However, he said that there were great lessons to be learnt, explaining that, "What transpired in Nigeria since the February 25 presidential election is a clear testament that our institutions are not working and that we may be sliding towards dictatorship.

"It is very clear that the executive has hijacked both the judiciary and the legislature. This is so unfortunate for our democracy and it is even more for the people of Nigeria.

"All what our forbearers taught us have been destroyed within a short space of time because of the unbridled ambition of a few. The founding fathers fought with their lives to achieve independence for the country.

"People lost their lives for the struggle to keep our democracy and all these years people have been struggling to achieve electoral and constitutional reforms. Regrettably, all of these efforts and struggles have been destroyed today", national chairman of the Labour party lamented.

Abure said it was also pertinent to put on record that the party, "has it on very good authority that the government may have marked some Labour Party's key leaders, myself especially and our leader and presidential candidate, Mr Peter Obi in particular for vilification, in order to suppress the party, suffocate our team, and our goal of a new Nigeria.

"The planned persecution, intimidation, suppression and harassment of our leaders using security agencies and all other government institutions will be definitely defended.

"We are therefore calling on all our members, and the Obidient family to be vigilant and brace up for the challenges ahead. The struggle for a New Nigeria will certainly be tortuous and hard.", Abure alerted.

He called on the International community to rise to the occasion to defend democracy in Nigeria, saying, "Your voices were loud and clear in condemnation of the outcome of the presidential election. As we approach the next stage of our democratic journey, we call on you to stand by the millions of Nigerians who are already pushed beyond their limits into unnecessary hardship and penury."

Abure urged Nigerians not to lose hope in the country.

Ganduje to Atiku, Obi: Wait Till 2031 to Realise Your Presidential Ambition

The National chairman of the ruling APC, Dr. Abdullahi Ganduje, has called on Atiku and Obi

to wait till 2031 to realise their presidential ambition.

Ganduje, in a statement issued yesterday, by his Chief Press Secretary, Edwin Olofu, said the Supreme court judgement laid to rest all claims by the opposition political parties that the votes at the presidential poll were manipulated in favour of Tinubu.

The APC chairman urged Atiku and Obi to bury their hatchets and join hands with Tinubu to reposition the country.

He added that the Supreme Court verdict would now pave the way for Tinubu to concentrate on implementing the Renewed Hope mandate of the APC for the benefit of Nigerians.

Ganduje noted: "Nigeria belongs to all of us, it is our responsibility as patriots to pool our resources together to move the country forward. I congratulate both Atiku and Obi for their dogged fight in extending the frontiers of our democracy and law.

"This is democracy. Tinubu's victory is another victory for democratic rule in the country. There is still room for both Obi and Atiku to actualise their presidential aspiration after the second term tenure of President Tinubu in 2031."

Ganduje called on Nigerians irrespective of political leaning to rally round the President to ensure that he delivers more dividends of democracy and move the country on the path of sustainable progress.

Meanwhile, the Coalition for Good Governance and Change Initiative has called on Atiku Abubakar and Obi not to abandon Nigeria.

Its National Coordinator, Okpokwu Ogenyi, made the call yesterday, in Abuja, at a unity rally in celebration of Tinubu's electoral victory at the Supreme Court.

He said: "We specifically singled out the candidate of the PDP, Atiku and the candidate of the LP, Obi, not to abandon Nigeria.

"It is our opinion that they should stay back and contribute meaningfully to the project Nigeria. We believe that as citizens of Nigeria one must not become a president or vice president before he or she can make meaningful contributions to the development of our nation."

Ogenyi noted that Atiku as a former Vice President and Obi as a former governor should not hesitate to give appropriate advice devoid of politics and self-aggrandisement.

Governors Congratulate Tinubu, Commend Supreme Court

Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu, yesterday, applauded the Supreme Court verdict, which affirmed Tinubu's electoral victory.

Sanwo-Olu described the Supreme Court's judgment as a reaffirmation of the people's mandate, which was freely given to Tinubu to lead Nigeria from May 29, 2023, to May 29, 2027.

Sanwo-Olu, who expressed delight at the Supreme Court's ruling via a press statement issued by his Chief Press Secretary, Mr. Gboyega Akosile, urged the opposition to join hands with the President to move the country forward.

He said: "We have reached the final stage of the political journey, which started over a year ago. Today's verdict by the Apex Court in Nigeria has ruled and stated unequivocally that Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu is the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

"I will enjoin all Nigerians, especially the opposition parties to join the President in his desire to take Nigeria out of her present situation to where we want it to be.

"Everyone should contribute their quota for the development of Nigeria because we don't have any other place we can call home except Nigeria."

On his part, Governor Hope Uzodimma of Imo State congratulated Tinubu on his victory at the Supreme Court.

According to a statement, Uzodimma believed the Supreme Court ruling was a revalidation of the trust millions of Nigerians reposed in Tinubu when they turned out en mass to cast their ballot for him on February 25, 2023.

The Governor in a statement he personally wrote after the Supreme Court verdict added: "On behalf of the Government and the good people of Imo State, I extend our heartfelt congratulations to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu on his triumphant victory at the Supreme Court, securing his presidency in the recent general elections.

"I commend President Tinubu's proactive measures in stirring the economy of our dear nation. Despite interim difficulties experienced by the people, Mr. President's policies are designed to offer greater economic advantage on a long term basis.

"His dedication to national development is evident and we are confident in his ability to lead our great nation towards a brighter future.

"As a State, we are ready and committed to working hand in hand with Mr. President on this national assignment. Together, we can achieve progress, unity and prosperity for our beloved country. We look forward to the collaborative efforts that will bring about positive change and growth on a national scale."

Also, Ekiti State Governor, Mr. Biodun Oyebanji, congratulated Tinubu, on the affirmation of his Presidential election victory by the Supreme Court.

Oyebanji, described the triumph of the President at the apex court as, "the ultimate judicial stamp on the landslide victory of the APC flag bearer at the 2023 presidential poll held on February 25, 2023."

He described the decision of the Supreme Court validating Tinubu's win as victory for democracy, the rule of law and a landmark judgement in the nation's electoral jurisprudence that has become a reference point for generations to come."

In a statement yesterday, by his Special Adviser on Media, Yinka Oyebode, Oyebanji, described the latest judicial victory of Tinubu as the confirmation of the electoral wishes of the majority of Nigerians who massively voted the APC as the party of their choice.

Oyebanji said the affirmation of Tinubu's victory by both the Presidential Election Petition Court and the Supreme Court laid to rest all doubts and controversies raised by the opposition about the presidential election.

The Ekiti helmsman advised the Atiku, Obi and the presidential candidates of other political parties to join hands with Tinubu to move the country forward politically, economically and socially in the interest of Nigerians.

He also advised the candidates and parties whose petitions and appeals were not successful at the courts to accept the hand of fellowship earlier extended to them by President Tinubu since there must be an end to litigation after the electorate had spoken with their votes.

Describing election petition as part of democracy and a better way to ventilate grievances arising from the conduct of polls, Oyebanji said the aggrieved candidates have legitimately explored avenues to seek redress rather than resorting to self-help.

For his part, Niger State Governor Alhaji Mohammed Umaru Bago felicitated Tinubu over his victory at the Supreme Court.

Bago in a congratulatory message signed by his Chief Press Secretary, Bologi Ibrahim, said with the affirmation of his election by the Supreme Court truth and justice has prevailed.

"With the verdict of the Supreme Court, the coast is finally cleared and arguments laid to rest," adding that the President would now be more committed to serving Nigeria and Nigerians with more vigour.

Bago, expressed confidence in the ability and capacity of the administration of Tinubu to deliver dividends of democracy to Nigerians and therefore called on all and sundry to give the administration the needed support and prayers.

Reacting to the Supreme Court judgement, the Minister of Marine and Blue Economy, Adegboyega Oyetola, congratulated Tinubu and the Vice President, Senator Kashim Shettima over their victory at the Supreme Court.

He also congratulated Ganduje, the National Working Committee (NWC), members and supporters of the party on the victory.

Oyetola described the judgement as a "sound one" that would further deepen the country's electoral laws and judicial jurisprudence.

In a statement by his spokesperson, Ismail Omipidan, the minister said the judgement of the Supreme court had finally settled the legal battle over the 2023 presidential election, saying lovers of democracy must commend the resilience of the judiciary in deepening the country's democracy through its sound judgments.

"On behalf of the APC family in Osun, I congratulate our president, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu and the vice president, Senator Kashim Shettima on their victory at the Supreme Court.

"Today's judgement has put to an end the needless bickering, distractions and litigation that greeted the 2023 presidential election.

"It is my hope that the opposition will team up with our president to move Nigeria forward in the overall interest of the country," Oyetola said.

Barau, Bamidele, Lawan Congratulate Tinubu

Deputy President of the Senate, Barau Jibrin; Leader of the Senate , Opeyemi Bamidele; and president of the Senate, Senator Ahmad Lawan, congratulated Tinubu, on his victory at the Supreme Court.

They warned opposition parties and their candidates against stampeding the judiciary into partisan politics through disinformation, mal-information and misinformation

Jibrin, described the judgement as a victory for democracy, and urged the appellants to join hands with Tinubu to address the challenges facing the country.

He urged the appellants to accept the ruling by the apex court in good faith, he commended the justices of the court for upholding the verdict of the electorate who voted for President Tinubu during the presidential election.

He said, "The legal battle is over with today's judgement of the Supreme Court, affirming the victory of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu at the February 25, 2023, presidential election. Nigerians have won, democracy has won, and the country will be better for it.

"I commend the justices of the Supreme Court for upholding the verdict of the Nigerian electorate who voted for President Tinubu during the presidential election.

"It is now time for all to team up with the president to actualise his lofty programmes and policies for the development of our country as captured in the Renewed Hope Agenda," he said.

Bamidele, who chaired the Senate Committee on Judiciary, Human Rights and Legal Matters in the ninth National Assembly, kicked against how they unduly dragged the judiciary into partisan politics in pursuit of their selfish interests at the expense of the collective interest of Nigeria and Nigerians.

He expressed the concerns in a statement his Directorate of Media and Public Affairs issued in Abuja, following the decision of the apex court that affirmed the election of President Tinubu.

While celebrating the victory of the president at the apex court, Bamidele condemned the undue blackmailing of the judiciary even before the petitions of the opposition parties and their candidates were decided.

He observed that the judiciary "is one of the most consistent, dependable and reliable democratic institutions that still stands for and with the oppressed in this federation. It is therefore amoral and immoral for any political actor or party to subject the judiciary to media trial rather than abiding by the rules of law.

"Judiciary has never been vilified in the recent history of this federation by petitioners who at different times benefitted tremendously from the independence and neutrality of the judiciary," the senate leader noted with grave concern.

At the inception, Bamidele noted that the petitioners, "claimed to have won the 2023 presidential elections during their separate world press conferences. But when they failed to prove their cases, they selfishly resorted to blackmailing the time-tested institutions, especially the judiciary."

Beyond their campaign of calumny, he observed that the decisions of the appellate and apex courts, "have clearly shown that the last elections are the most credible since the beginning of the Fourth Republic with the deployment of Bimodal Voter Accreditation System, which the Independent National Electoral Commission used for the conduct of the elections."

He, therefore, commended the apex court for standing for the truth and truth alone amid ferocious, needless and relentless intimidation of judicial officers by the petitioners, who trampled upon the national interest in pursuit of their self-centric political agenda.

Lawan said since that Judiciary has concluded all the presidential election petitions in favour of President Tinubu, all political actors, interests and parties "to henceforth stop playing politics with the rule of law and the integrity of the judiciary."

Afenifere Leader, Fasoranti, Ize-Iyamu Congratulate Tinubu

The leader of Afenifere Worldwide, Chief Reuben Famuyide Fasoranti and the APC candidate in the 2020 governorship election in Edo State, Mr. Osagie Ize-Iyamu congratulated Tinubu on his victory at the Supreme Court.

Fasoranti, in a statement issued yesterday, by the National Publicity Secretary of Afenifere, Jare Ajayi, described the verdict by both the Tribunal and the Supreme Court as monumental.

He said the verdict was monumental because of the clarifications made in respect of certain aspects of the country's electoral processes.

Fasoranti, noted that one of such was the pronouncements made regarding the position of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), adding that ditto for the position of the law in regard to the deadline for filing papers relating to elections.

Fasoranti, reminded the President of some of the issues he had raised with him in the recent past, adding that the issue included the deteriorating insecurity in the country.

He added: "It is a matter of concern that insecurity is still being experienced. This can be seen in the upsurge in banditry, kidnapping, herdsmen and attacks on farmers, cultism and even terrorism.

"To put all these under control, the following were suggested as immediate steps to be taken:

- the aspects of the law regarding policing in Nigeria be looked into. At the moment, the extant law centralises the Nigerian Police. Doctrine of necessity be invoked to allow States and Local Government Areas to establish police services.

"The Police at that level be vested with all the powers that a Police outfit should have in terms of equipment, emoluments, training and so on.

Modern technology must be procured and deployed.

"Indigenes or residents of the given area be those who would make up the personnel of the police services at state and local government levels. In view of the trauma being experienced by our children who are participating in the National Youths Service Corps (NYSC), Afenifere is reintrating its longstanding advocacy for corpers to be allowed to serve within their states if not within their respective localties".

Also, the APC candidate in the 2020 governorship election in Edo State, Ize-Iyamu congratulated Tinubu over his victory at the supreme court.

Ize-Iyamu, in a statement noted that the ruling of the apex court was a confirmation of the perfect will of God as well as that of the irrefutable choice of Nigerians who freely gave you the mandate to steer the ship of their beloved country.

He said: "The ruling of the apex court is a confirmation of the perfect will of God as well as that of the irrefutable choice of Nigerians who freely gave you the mandate to steer the ship of their beloved country.

"It signifies the enduring strength of Nigeria's democratic institutions and the unwavering refuge that the judiciary provides to ordinary citizens. Likewise, it will also go a long way to help pattern true democracy for other African nations.

"Since I have unmatched confidence in your visionary leadership and capacity, I am particularly pleased to extend my wishes for success in the discharge of your lofty duties. With you at the helm of affairs, Nigeria and Nigerians will flourish and thrive in line with the 'Renewed Hope' agenda."

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