Liberia: Defeated Lawmaker Packs Out of Capitol

Defeated Montserrado County Electoral District # 2 Representative Jimmy Smith was seen packing office materials out of his office from the Capitol on Thursday, 26 October 2023.

Rep. Smith was defeated in the just-ended 10 October 2023 presidential and legislative elections by former Representative Sekou Kanneh.

Staffers of the outgoing lawmaker were seen at the Capitol with a large pickup carrying office materials like desks, chairs, computers, air conditioners, and other things.

His departure from the Capitol raises concerns for many who were present because his six-year tenure in office as Representative of the 54 Legislature has not come to an end.

Rep. Smith chairs the National Security and other committees in the House of Representatives.

The new batch of lawmakers who were elected this October and whoever is elected president following the November presidential run-off will take office in January 2024.

Since the October polls, most lawmakers who were defeated have abandoned legislative sessions, even though they continue to receive their salaries.

Defeated ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) Montserrado County Electoral District #8 Representative Acarous Gray raised raised issues about his colleague.

Gray informed House Speaker Bhofal Chambers who is challenging his defeat that there is a law and punishment for lawmakers who refuse to come to work.

Gray asked Mr. Chambers to make use of that law. According to the new budget law, the tenure of the 54 Legislature comes to an end this December to give way to the 55th Legislature.

Mr. Smith was first defeated in the CDC primaries, but he suspended his membership with the ruling party for allegedly betraying him.

In a letter addressed to the CDC National Chairman, Mulbah K. Morlu on 1 July 2023, Rep. Smith said it was agreed upon that all seated CDC lawmakers would have been consensus candidates in the 2023 elections.

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