Liberia: Concerned Bassa Citizens Differ With Senator-Elect, Findley

Over five (500) hundred citizens from Grand Bassa Couty under the banner "concerned citizens" have kicked against Bassa Senator-Elect, Milton Gbehzongar Findley's endorsement of President George Weah for the runoff presidential election.

The 500 hundred citizens who converged at the Liberia Agriculture Company's plantation Thursday came from Bee's Town, LAC, Sam's Town, #1 compound, Kpo's Town, Deezohn Town and Charlee Town across Grand Bassa under the leadership of one Mr. Peter Zangar, as chairman and made the statement.

"We, the Concerned Citizens of Grand Bassa County, comprising of the five (5) Electoral Districts do hereby unanimously and simultaneously condemn the endorsement of President George Weah made by our Senator-Elect, Hon. Milton Gbarzohngar Findley. We believe his endorsement of the President is based on egotistical motives that have the proclivity to perpetuate the people of Bassa and Citizens of Liberia at large in life-threatening poverty", the citizens said in a statement.

According to them, the Senator-Elect, in his political maneuvering has decided to renew his political proximity with President George Weah at the detriment of the struggling masses, which they note is not just disingenuous, but a slap-in-the-face of the people of Bassa who took a huge risk to vote him against the political will of the President.

As mentioned in his Endorsement Statement relative to the similarity of his political manifesto to the President's, we want to conspicuously state here, that President George Weah, prior and after his ascendency to the presidency has never made known his political manifesto to the Liberian people, they argue.

The protesting Bassa citizens note that the President has left the entire country in a state of dilemma, which is a bad style of leadership and an affront to the people that overwhelmingly voted for him in 2017.

We don't know CDC's platform as of now. Having been cognizant of this, Mr. Findley, with audacity has deceitfully endorsed President Weah for another six (6) wasted years; this we say 'NO' in bold letters."

They point that result from the just-ended first round of the October 10, 2023, presidential election proves that most Liberians have rejected the leadership of President Weah, evidenced by his accumulation of 43.83% of the total votes whereas opposition political parties combined received aggregated 56.17 percent of the total votes.

"President Weah's inability to attract investors in the country has resulted to a huge unemployment of potential citizens in Grand Bassa County and Liberia at large. This contradicts his one million jobs promised which has been forfeited", the concerned Bassa citizens explained.

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They continue that the present condition of the Liberian economy has hazardously retrogressed, unlike former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf's regime which was far better, adding in Bassa and all over Liberia, the sellers are more than the buyers, thus enabling marketers to go back to their respective homes the same way they came to do business. Editing by Jonathan Browne

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