Liberia: Snowe Remains On CDC Campaign Team

Bomi County Senator Edwin M. Snowe says he is still a part of the ruling Coalition for Democratic (CDC) campaign team.

Mr. Snowe addressed a press conference at his Capitol building office Tuesday 31 October 2023, barely 24 hours after rumors spread on social media that he had allegedly withdrawn from the ruling party's campaign team.

Contrary to the social media speculation, the Bomi Senator stated that he still believes in the re-election bid of President Weah.

Snowe said that when he decided to join the Weah campaign team, he didn't put a precondition to it.

According to Snowe, he and President Weah are good friends, and they communicate every day, adding: "The President and I had breakfast this morning."

Mr. Snowe explained further that he and President Weah have no beef, nor any other person on the CDC campaign team.

He disclosed that if he doesn't feel comfortable with someone on the campaign team and they are in the same room or at the same table, it is his business to leave or stay.

Regarding the endorsement of President Weah by controversial talk show host Henry Costa, Mr. Snowe said he cannot comment on it.

He said if Costa calls him, he will answer, because he answers anyone who calls him, and he replies messages from anyone.

"Costa has said things about me and when he calls, I can answer and when he texts, I do reply," said Mr. Snowe.

He further noted that when former House Speaker Alex Tyler won the Bomi senatorial election election, he texted him and also gave him a call to congratulate him.

Mr. Snowe, also a former House Speaker, stated that he has no personal issues with Senator-elect Mr. Tyler, but they differ politically.

Mr. Snowe explained that his kind of politics is different, noting that he doesn't mix personal issues with politics.

Commenting on the October presidential and legislative elections, Snowe said the elections were competitive.

In his view, the elections were not a walk-through for any party, not even the ruling party.

He alleged that CDC had low votes in Bomi County because about six to seven thousand voters were trucked from Brewerville, Montserrado County to vote in Bomi.

Snowe disclosed that they have things under control now and they are reaching out to everyone.

According to him, this election has shown that Liberia is divided and if President Weah gets re-elected, he needs to work to get everyone on board to work together.

"I have also encouraged the President to get on board his former soccer players so that they all can work together," he said.

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