Liberia: ALCO Endorses Boakai

The opposition All Liberian Coalition Party (ALCOP) has endorsed the presidential bid of Unity Party (UP) candidate Amb. Joseph Nyumah Boakai for the 14 November 2023 run-off.

Headed by defeated 2023 presidential candidate Mr. Lusinee F. Kamara, Sr., ALCOP held Amb. Boakai's endorsement program on Thanksgiving Day on Thursday, 2 November 2023.

Following the first round of this year's elections, the presidential candidates of the two leading political parties - UP and the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) held separate meetings with Mr. Kamara seeking his party's support.

The elaborate UP endorsement ceremony was held at ALCOP's Campaign office on the Japanese Freeway and had a huge turnout of supporters from ALCOP, UP, and other sympathizers.

Reading the endorsement statement, ALCOP leader Mr. Kamara said their decision to support the Unity Party is based on the national roadmap that the party has developed for Liberia.

"We are excited and happy to endorse the Rescue Mission headed by Amb. Joseph Nyumah Boakai. We believe from our conversation with ... both candidates in the run-off that he has all it takes to change, develop, and transform Liberia," said Mr. Kamara.

"Now, I'm calling on everyone from ALCOP to go all out, campaign, and ensure that we make him President to rescue our country," Mr. Kamara urged his partisans.

According to him, after the 10 October Election, they had the opportunity to visit the two presidential candidates that made it to the run-off- incumbent President George Manneh Weah and opposition Amb. Boakai.

Of the two candidates, Mr. Kamara said Amb. Boakai stands tall.

Kamara said what shifted his attention to former Liberian Vice President Amb. Boakai in the upcoming run-off election is that incumbent President Weah has not been able to properly manage the state of affairs of the country.

He argued that President Weah cannot manage the country for the next six years, stressing that this needs the attention of all Liberians through the ballot box.

The former Liberian Finance Minister believes that supporting Amb. Boakai will bring the needful results and change that the Liberian people are crying for.

Responding to the endorsement in an exciting tone, Amb. Boakai thanked Mr. Kamara and the entire ALCOP and the leadership for their decision to support the Unity Party.

"We assemble here on this historic day to witness a noble and patriotic move that will embolden our effort to RESCUE this nation from the depths of degradation to which the current wasteful and corrupt conglomeration of incompetent and nonchalant characters have pushed it," said Amb. Boakai.

According to him, they have come together to coalesce their efforts, bind energies, and get all hands-on deck to salvage and restore what the past devastating six years of misrule have left of the nation.

"I should spare no time therefore to stretch my arms in warm embrace and humble acceptance of your historic ENDORSEMENT of the tenets, precepts, and concept of the RESCUE MISSION as heralded by your fraternal Unity Party," he noted.

Amb. Boakai said he accepted the notably nationalistic endorsement and stated that the undertaking was no easy one.

"The resolve on the other side of the aisle to keep this country under the sway of malfeasance, thievery, and total mismanagement is no less strong," Boakai cautioned.

He urged the Unity Party Alliance and ALCOP to brace themselves, not allowing anything to take them unaware.

He pointed out that wielding the adage of "Think Liberia, Love Liberia, and Build Liberia", they gather to close ranks on a task so germane to the forward march of Liberia.

The former Vice President indicated that the significance of the occasion defies any underestimation.

"By your decision, I stand so moved that I can bear witness that I see ahead a brighter future, a future filled with the air of healing and restoration," said Amb. Boakai.

He noted that he can see a future of inclusion, wherein the children of Christians and Muslims, and the various ethnic groups, work together harmoniously for the development of this nation.

Meanwhile, the Unity Party Alliance Campaign says it welcomes in the most satisfying term the endorsement of Amb. Joseph N. Boakai's presidential bid from ALCO.

It said the endorsement led by ALCOP's Standard Bearer Kamara, Sr., is extremely significant in unseating and stopping Mr. Weah and his CDC from further destroying Liberia.

"As we intensify our campaign, the UP Alliance Campaign will work diligently with all of the structures of ALCOP across the country to ensure victory for JNB, JKK and the Liberian people on November 14, 2023," the UP Alliance Campaign team noted.

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