Ghana: No Ghanaian Caught up in Israel-Hamas War ...Deputy Foreign Minister Tells Parliament

3 November 2023

No Ghanaian has been caught up in the hostilities between Israel and Hamas, an Islamist political and military organisation, in the Gaza Strip, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration has told parliament.

The Strip, a Palestinian territory under the occupation of Israel since 1967, has been under Israeli bombardment following the unprovoked attack on Southern Israel and areas north of Tel Aviv by Hamas, which is governing the Strip.

The October 7, 2023 attack led to the killing of at least 1,400 people, over 4,000 injured and at least 245 people taken hostage.

Israel has since responded in equal measure and killed more than 9,000 Palestinians prompting international condemnation.

Briefing Parliament yesterday in Accra on the escalation of tensions and the plight of Ghanaians in the Middle East country, a Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, Mavis Nkansah Boadu, said all Ghanaians were safe in Israel.

"Although the disastrous nature of the conflict has raised so many concerns about the welfare of Ghanaians in Israel, our Mission in Tel Aviv has reported that no Ghanaian has been caught up in the attacks and the Ghanaian community is safe," the Deputy Minister and MP for Afigya-Sekyere East told the House.

As a result, she said the government was not considering evacuating its citizens yet.

"As of now, the issue of evacuation of our nationals from Israel has not been raised. In addition, our Mission is in close contact with the leaders of the Ghanaian community and is providing the Ministry with updates on their welfare and will provide the general public with updates pertaining to the welfare of the Ghanaian community in Israel."

According to her, Ghana had always advocated a comprehensive and sustainable solution to the decades-old Middle East conflict for a peaceful region.

"Ghana, therefore, supports all international efforts geared at finding a just, peaceful, and lasting solution that will guarantee the right of the State of Israel to exist within secure and universally recognized boundaries, as well as the Palestinian people's legitimate right to self-determination and the establishment of a Palestinian State.

"Ghana believes that the proposed Two-State solution based on negotiations and dialogue is the most viable option within the global efforts at bringing about a durable peace to the ordinary people of Israel and Palestine," she said.

Commenting on the statement, MP for Wa Central, Dr Hassan Abdul-Rashid Pelpuo, said it would be unfair to condemn the ongoing killings in Palestine without condemning the invasion of Israel by Hamas which reignited the decades-old conflict between the two countries.

Member for Abuakwa South, Samuel Atta Akyea, describing the invasion of Israel by Hamas as "dastardly" and called for restraint from Israel and for it to heed to US President Joe Biden's admonishment to them that they should not allow rage overcome them.

"If you look at the disproportionate level of violence, it leaves much to be desired. I do not believe that the attempt to find and wipe out Hamas should leave in its trail the death of innocent people who never visited violence on Israel.

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