Liberia: Weah Gets Endorsement in Nimba Distric#1

Nimba County — Nimba County District One Representative-Elect, Samuel Brown endorses the re-election bid of President George Weah in the 14 November Runoff election.

Rep. Brown told his supporters in Ganta, Nimba County that his decision to support President Weah is based on the level of transformation and development being undertaken across the country by the Weah administration.

He notes that Liberia is one of the oldest African countries, but lacks infrastructural development mainly roads and it's under the administration of President Weah that citizens are boasting of road connectivity.

"Since 1847, it's under this administration which is the CDC government that citizens are and can now boast about many development activities across the country", he notes.

Rep. Brown describes the CDC-led government as the best and only hope Liberians now have and can boast of, compared to past administrations.

The district number one representative Samuel Brown then vowed to be involved in campaign activities in other districts including district number two toward the rest of the districts in the County.

Representative Samuel Brown explained that in the past there have been no road pavements in past government compared to the George Weah government.

Speaking at his induction ceremony over the weekend, representative Samuel Brown acknowledged his supporters that his decision to support President George Weah's re-election bid is in the good interest of his district number one including the rest of the County.

The District One lawmaker names pavement of roads across the country, among others, and praises President Weah, while urging his kinsmen to re-elect the President with more votes than they did in the first round.

Nimba County campaign chairman for ruling CDC, Reginald Mehn, and defeated candidate Roland Duo vow to encourage more Nimbaians to vote for the President.

According to them, the re-election bid of Mr. Weah is getting more support across the country and will lead to a landslide victory on November 14.

Meanwhile, former Nimba County Superintendent, Madam Edith Gongloe -Wehyee says her support for the re-election bid of President Weah will increase the number of votes the President received in the first round.

"My coming on board will enable the CDC to get more votes than the opposition", she says.

Since she announced her support for the ruling CDC, the former county superintendent has been touring various towns and villages in Nimba, encouraging rural women to support the re-election bid of Weah.

Vote-rich Nimba remains a battleground for both the CDC and the Unity Party has its running mate Senator Jeremiah Kpan Koung, hailing from the county.

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