Nigeria: Canadian Govt Confirms Fatalities in Fire Incident At Its Nigerian Embassy

7 November 2023

"An investigation will be carried out, but at this point everything points to an accident rather than a deliberate act," the statement said.

The Canadian government through its Global Affairs office on Tuesday commented on the fire incident which occurred at its High Commission in Abuja, the Nigerian capital.

The statement shared by the Canadian High Commission in Abuja on X confirmed that two people were killed in the fire incident and two others were injured.

Amongst the two killed was a locally engaged employee, it noted but did not provide any details on the second person.

It stated that the cause of the fire was an explosion that happened in a generator room.

"Global Affairs Canada extends its sympathies to the families of those killed and wishes a speedy recovery to those injured," it added.

It confirmed that other staff members are safe and unharmed, adding that they are working with local authorities to determine the cause of the explosion.

"An investigation will be carried out, but at this point everything points to an accident rather than a deliberate act," the statement said.

As a result of the incident, the High Commission in Abuja will be closed until further notice.

Canadians in need of consular assistance can contact Global Affairs Canada's 24/7 Emergency Watch and Response Centre.

PREMIUM TIMES reported the fire incident which occurred Monday afternoon.

President Bola Tinubu commiserated with the Canadian government a few hours after the incident.

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