Nigeria: Ken Saro-Wiwa - Govt Urged to Look Into Woes of Ogoni People

9 November 2023

In a renewed call for justice, human rights advocates have urged the Federal Government to address the legitimate demands and longstanding woes of the Ogoni people.

Speaking at a press conference to commemorate the 28th anniversary of the execution of Ken Saro-Wiwa, the team leader, Peoples Advancement Centre, PAC, Comrade AkpoBari Celestine, who spoke on behalf of other groups, said the Ogoni people have continued to suffer from the devastating consequences of oil exploration and exploitation in Nigeria's southeastern region.

Among other issues raised, Mr. Celestine recalled that efforts by the Ogoni Solidarity Forum-Nigeria to reclaim the confiscated Non-motorized Ken Saro Wiwa Memorial Bus through a litigation proved abortive when Colonel Hammed Ali allegedly disobeyed the National Assembly's directives and recommendations.

He said: "On Thursday, 19th November 2015, Ogoni Solidarity Forum-Nigeria filed a petition against the Nigeria Customs to the National Assembly. After several months of hearing from both parties, The House in Plenary in her recommendation on Tuesday 19th July, 2016, urged the Nigeria Customs to "Release the Bus like object or whatever name it is called to the Ogoni Solidarity Forum-Nigeria, using available administrative means devoid of avoidable difficulties"

"Colonel Hammed Ali disobeyed the National Assembly's directives and recommendations, thereby forcing Ogoni Solidarity Forum-Nigeria and Social Action to file a suit at the Federal High Court, Ikoyi-Lagos on the 28th April, 2017.

"After several sittings and adjournments, on Thursday, 20th April, 2023, the Federal High Court sitting in Ikoyi-Lagos Nigeria and presided over by Honourable Justice A. Aluko, ruled that the Ken Saro-Wiwa Memorial Bus that has been in the custody of the Nigeria Customs be released to the Ogoni people with immediate effect. Colonel Ali disobeyed this Court judgment until he was sacked by the President Bola Tinubu Government."

On their prayers, the group, called on President Bola Tinubu to as a matter of urgency exonerate Ken Saro-Wiwa and eight other Ogoni activists, demanding an immediate review of the judgment that was given by the Kangaroo Military Tribunal in 1995 that sentenced them to death.

They added: "Adequate compensation be paid to families of the over 2000 Ogoni men, women and children who were murdered in cold blood by the rampaging soldiers during that unlawful military occupation of Ogoni;

"That the President urgently and passionately looks into the legitimate demands of Ogoni people as enshrined in the Ogoni Bill of Rights with a view to addressing them. This includes the issue of political marginalization. It will interest Mr President that no Ogoni has been Governor, Deputy Governor, Speaker or Chief Judge since the creation of Rivers State on 27 May 1967;

"That Mr President considers full implementation of UNEP report on Ogoni by directing SHELL to immediately decommission in line with recommendations of UNEP. Mr President should also approve adequate compensation to Ogoni farmers and fishermen who lost their means of livelihoods;

"Mr President should direct immediate release of the confiscated Non Motorised Ken Saro-Wiwa Memorial Bus which is being held by the Nigerian Customs in spite of recommendations of the National Assembly on Tuesday 19th July, 2016 and the favorable ruling of a Court of Competent Jurisdiction since 20th April, 2023;

"On the ongoing environmental remediation in Ogoni, you cannot run the tap and mop your floor the same time. The Government should concentrate on the clean-up of Ogoni and other Niger Delta States and stop new oil exploration in the region. Niger Delta has contributed a lot to the development of Nigeria, it is time Nigeria should take care of Niger Delta people and the environment."

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