Liberia: Embattled Lawmaker-Elect Accuses Chief Medical Officer

Maryland County — Maryland County electoral district#2 embattled Representative-Elect, Anthony F. William, has accused Liberia's Deputy Minister of Health and Chief Medical Officer, Doctor Francis Kateh, of wanting to conspire with Speaker Chambers to provide fake medical reports to ongoing hearing at the National Elections Commission.

Speaking during a live talk show via mobile phone in Pleebo Sodoken on Tuesday, November 7, Mr. William alleged that Doctor Francis Kateh has made several calls to the Pleebo Health Center in Maryland to provide medical reports besides earlier calls allegedly made to that health center by Representative Bohfal Chambers himself to provide reports for those of his supporters, who went for treatment there due to injuries allegedly sustained during the 10 October electoral violence in Old Sodoken, which led to disruption of the poll.

According to William, since the start of the battle for Pleebo Sodoken's representative seat following the just-ended election, Speaker Chambers has allegedly conspired with many stakeholders, including Dr. Francis Kateh, to overturn the election results.

The NEW DAWN has not independently verified these allegations.

But William claimed that due to Dr. Kateh's position as deputy minister, perhaps his influence has moved health workers to have given reports, warning that any medical reports presented by the Speaker in the ongoing hearing at the National Elections Commission in Monrovia would be fake because the health center has assured him it hasn't provided any reports, as treatments that were administered on Representative Chambers' supporters were minor.

He further alleged that on several occasions, he has been informed by some health workers at the Pleebo Health Center that Doctor Kateh has made calls to the center to provide medical reports to Representative Chambers, maintaining that he has evidence to the effect.

"Let me say, what Dr. Kateh wants to do, we are watching because we have all the information about how he wants the health workers to give reports and they have refused, so any reports shown doing hearing as evidenced by Representative Chambers is fake and not from Pleebo Health Center", he argued.

"Because I see no reason why he (Dr. Kateh) should be forcing the workers at the Pleebo health center in the county to give reports when the people doing the time of the treatment said, the cases were minor so they can't provide reports for such."

"I see this action of Dr. Kateh as bad and has a way of undermining the peace and will of the people of Pleebo Sodoken district", he cautioned.

The CPP Representative-Elect said Representative Chambers was defeated by the majority block and he needs to accept the results rather than conspiring with stakeholders to manipulate the system.

"Chambers is like a living cow that head has been cut off but is still running around without head and thinking that it can still live. But unfortunately, that cow will fall to the ground."

"So let me say, Mr. Chambers keeps running around, thinking that he can change what the people have agreed upon but if he does that due to his power and connections, we will resist that strongly."

He stressed that the act is not only bad but intended to delay him from contesting for the speakership election expected in December.

Meanwhile, since October 10, 2023, Presidential and Legislative elections, there have been claims and counterclaims between CDC Candidate Bhafol Chambers and his main rival, CPP Candidate Anthony F. William over election malpractices in few of the polling places in Old Sodoken.

Representative Chambers has filed an official complaint following the election results in Pleebo Sodeken District, where he was allegedly defeated.

According to final results announced by the National Elections Commission (NEC) on October 18, Mr. Anthony F. Williams obtained a total of 8,105 votes, constituting 45.29%, while Chambers accumulated a total of 8,024 votes, constituting 44.84% of the total votes cast. The vote difference between the two is 81, representing 0.45% that is being contested before the NEC in Monrovia.

Representative Chambers claims to have in his possession a voice recording which suggests admission to an organized anti-electoral plot against his re-election.

The alleged admittance was purportedly made by an Electoral Supervisor of the National Elections Commission- NEC, Cece Munah Nimely, assigned in Pleebo Sodoken District, during the conduct of the Legislative and Presidential elections.

Miss Nimely allegedly exposed the organized anti-electoral cartel against Dr. Bhofal Chambers' re-election bid in a leaked audio.

But William counters these are all intended to delay the democratic will of the people, calling on Representative Chambers and other government officials to stop and allow the will of the people to prevail.

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