Liberia: 'Don't Tamper With Our Results'

-EFFL warns NEC Commissioners

Just days ahead of the November 14 presidential election runoff, the leader of the opposition Economic Freedom Fighters of Liberia or EFFL, Emmanuel Gonquoi has issued a stern warning to the board of commissioners at the National Elections Commission to avoid tampering with the results.

"We gathered at this historic ground at the headquarters of the NEC to send a caveat to commissioners not to make any mistake to tamper with the results."

EFFL's warning came during a campaign rally that began with a grand parade from Duport Road to Broad Street chanting slogans in favor of opposition Unity Party Standard Bearer Ambassador Joseph N Boakai.

Gonquoi told a team of reporters that anyone who tried to play with the results of the election would have to hold themselves responsible as they would institute disciplinary measures against such individuals.

He made these assertions at the entrance of the elections commission's headquarters in Monrovia when his party gathered to campaign in support of UP's Boakai.

"I'm told that the magistrate in Lofa is carrying premarket ballots, and we want to inform the people of Lofa that this plan is Dead on Arrival (DoA) and that our team is already in Lofa if he believes that he can have his will in Lofa, then we have a punishment for him, we will discipline him," he stated.

Gonquoi: "We are clear here that if they dare try the Liberian people's decision on November 14, the result as we have always said; will be catastrophe because we will not only discipline them, but we will discipline them decisively because they are denying the popular will of the people."

Gonquoi further stated that the EFFL will not allow Liberians to have a government that will be imposed on them, adding that gone are the days when few groups of people sat in this building (NEC HQ) and decided the fate of the majority.

Giving the reason for their gathering before the NEC Headquarters, Gonquoi explained that it was intended to send out a caveat to the Commissioners, Magistrates and election works that "we have gathered all the intelligence that they are still stuffing ballot for Montserrado, Lofa, Nimba and part of the Southeast".

"We are also here to let them know that we are aware that the Police Commander in Nimba County has just been changed because he has refused to take instructions from IG and the President. But we want to remind them that the red Army is outside, and this is the prelude that when we catch any of them with premarket ballot, we will not wait for the police to discipline them,".

"We are going to institute our own disciplinary measures and they will go and tell the story to their children. These elections are not meant for the Buka people. We have seen too much looting, poverty, corruption and killings and we want to make sure that the Liberian people have a government that they have confidence in."

"This building ragged the elections in favor of George Weah, and we are here to warn them that, that nonsense will not happen again. We will deal with them. We are not here to compromise with anyone. The EFFL stands for the people and will always be there for the people."

"To you the media, we are not here to incite violence but if people are here to provoke us because of our kindness and desire to promote democracy, we will respond in time," he said.

Gonquoi said any attempt to steal the votes would be harming the country's democracy and anyone who does that is an enemy of the state and that an enemy of the state should be dealt with in any form or manner.

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