Nigeria: UK Okays Jigawa Formula for Recruiting 6,000 Teachers

9 November 2023

United Kingdom (UK) Mission also known as Foreign Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO) has endorsed the formula adopted by the Jigawa State government to recruit 6,000 teachers.

The senior responsible officer for Partnership for Learning for All in Nigeria (PLAIN) in FCDO, a UK-funded project, Mr Ian Attifield, made the commendation when he visited Governor Umar Namadi in his office.

He said the visit was aimed at assessing the impact of their intervention in improving foundation skills and quality learning in the state.

Attifield said the formula adopted by Jigawa would help in recruiting qualified teachers, especially those with passion for the job.

He said, "The policy we have seen on ground in Jigawa State has demonstrated the state government commitment to improve access to quality learning and also address the challenges of high rates of out-of -school children, we appreciate the effort and we are ready to strengthen our partnership for achieving the desired goals.

"Our intervention in PLAIN also included supporting the civil societies, traditional and community leaders and general public to participate in supporting the educational development by playing the expected roles of all state and non-state actors."

In his remarks, Governor Namadi said the state had been receiving support from FCDO in education, health and good governance among others.

"We introduced the formula of recruiting temporary teachers known as J-Teach and after one year, we will observe those that are qualified and also demonstrate passion for the job to permanent appointment, this will continue until we have enough and qualified teachers in our classrooms," he said.

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