Ghana: Security Personnel Deployed to Toflokpo ...Residents, Electrochem React to Incident

8 November 2023

A team of armed military and police personnel have been deployed to Toflokpo in the Ada West District of the Greater Accra Region, following a clash between residents and Electrochem Ghana, a salt mining company, resulting in one fatality and multiple injuries.

According to reports, the clash, which followed recent violent attacks in the area, was a consequence of the disagreement between the indigenes and the company over a portion of the Ada Songor concession.

The residents argued that both the government and Electrochem Ghana had disregarded a master plan that designates 12 acres of the concession to Electrochem.

Nene Mayilo Dadebom II, Chief of Toflokpo, alleged that five people sustained injuries following the violent clashes.

He also alleged that the salt firm had employed a land guard named Alhassan to terrorise the residents of Toflokpo.

"They (Electrochem) are employing force. Five people were injured. We are not opposed to development, but we will not be prevented from continuing what we have been doing for years," he stated.

In a statement issued yesterday, Electrochem Ghana denied any role leading to the death of one of the resident.

"The company has no hand in the said incident and condemn in no uncertain terms the killings," it noted.

The company, it said was ready to work with the police to investigate the case, adding that it would not discuss the issue until the conclusion of the investigation.

"We will not want to preempt the workings of the police. We wish to state our commitment to working with the people of Ada for our mutual benefit," the statement added.

The Company's Operations Manager, Nene Odeopeor Siada III, said that the company does not employ land guards and that the police were present on the day of the clash to protect its equipment and personnel.

Siada III further explained that the company was rebuilding a dyke on its concession after it was damaged by the rain.

However, a large crowd from Toflokpo arrived and began throwing stones at the company's workers.

He denied that the police opened fire on the crowd, saying that the company was simply trying to protect its concession.

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