Liberia: Candid Advice, as Liberia Approaches the Second Round of the General and Presidential Elections, November 14, 2023


My Fellow Liberians:

Permit me to share my honest advice to the National Elections Commission, the runoff contestants and the Liberian people, in general.

We are going to cast our final votes on November 14, 2023 to determine who will be the President and Vice President of Liberia for the next six (6) years. I firmly believe that, if the elections are handled in a very free, fair, transparent and credible manner, nobody will make noise. If the National Elections Commission closely adheres to the election laws, guidelines and regulations, as is expected, the outcome will be free, fair, transparent and credible. Let us expect nothing less!

After about twenty years of sustained peace, Liberia cannot afford to slip off track.

Fellow Liberians, there is nothing that anyone of us can lose if the elections are conducted in keeping with the law. We admonish the two contending political parties contesting the runoff elections on November 14, 2023 to man the polls with the best poll watchers they can lay their hands on. The crux of the elections credibility is in the effective handling of the polls.

We expect that the NEC workers -- voter verifiers, ballot issuers, etc., will stick to the rules as meticulously as possible. If there is an opportunity for either side to gain an unfair upper hand during the process - aided by NEC workers and/or officials - the situation will create serious chaos which would be very, very unfortunate.

Madam National Elections Chairman, if these elections are handled in a manner that resembles the 1926 or 1985 elections, you will seriously regret it. We know that you are a credible and professional person; as such, we expect that you will fulfill your obligation to this nation. The Liberian people look up to you to act, without fear or favor, to conduct these elections with the outmost credibility.

Only one side can win in these elections; and, the Liberian people expect that the process will be free, fair, transparent and credible, if they are to accept the results.

Let me implore the Liberian people to go to the polls peacefully. We believe that the results reflected on the tally sheets signed and stamped at the polling place will not be different from the results announced by the NEC Board of Commissioners. The Liberian people will sleep in peace and accept a result that is consistent with the exact outcome of what transpired at each and every polling place throughout the country. We cannot be more grateful to the international community and our friends for their continued support for the strengthening of our fledgling democracy.

On October 10, 2023, the Liberian people rejected fifty-one (51) Representatives and eleven (11) Senators. The result proved Article 1 of the 1985 Constitution of Liberia, which says: "All power is inherent in the people," to be correct. All free governments are instituted by the authority and for the benefit of their people; and the people have the right to alter and reform their elected officials when their safety and happiness requires them to do so. The law states that, "In order to ensure a democratic government which responds to the wishes of the governed, the people shall have the right at such period, and in such manner as provided for under this Constitution, to cause their public servants to leave office and to fill vacancies by regular elections and appointments."

An adherence to the Liberian Constitution and the Elections Law and Guidelines is all we, the people of Liberia, require. And, that is not too much to ask. All Hail, Liberia, Hail!


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