Ghana: Indiscipline Youth of Today, and Developmental Aspirations

10 November 2023

The Americans have an enduring motto which states "In God we trust" and this motto had guided Americans since their forefathers in the person of George Washington and others who fought very hard and sacrificed a great deal to win political independence for the American people on July 4, 1776 from British Colonial rule and exploitation.

The American youth of today has the inspirational spirit of their forefathers, and are continuing to work very hard with determination and sacrifice to ensure the survival, progress and the continual developmental aspirations of America as a nation.

It is in the light of this background of the American situation that one dares to admonish the indisciplined Ghanaian youth of today to work very hard and to sacrifice so that, Ghana as a fast developing African country in the world today will experience optimum economic growth, development and prosperity in her continual developmental aspirations such as the present ongoing one dubbed "Ghana Beyond Aid Agenda"

It is indisputable that Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah and the other forefathers who fought for Ghana's political independence achievement on March 6, 1957 such as William Ofori Atta, Dr J.B Danquah, Obetsebi Lamptey, Akufo-Addo and Arko Adjei worked very hard and did leave a legacy for generation of Ghanaians to follow in Ghana's survival as a nation in her continual developmental aspirations.

It appears that a great number of Ghanaian youth at the present time are indisciplined, and do not exemplify virtues and values such as honesty, integrity, selflessness, incorruptible practices, commitment and dedication to the interests of the nation.

This situation is very unfortunate as it is does not reflect Ghana's founding fathers spirit of nationhood.

To this end, the youth of Ghana must change this uncomplimentary character for the better, since it does not augur well for the developmental aspirations of the nation.

The youth of Ghana today must remember that is was upon hard work, toil and sacrifice that the forefathers of Ghana won political independence for the country from British Colonial rule and exploitation; and must therefore try to keep this sterling spirit of the forefathers for Ghana's continual developmental aspirations.

Anything short of this sterling spirit among Ghana's youth of today will definitely jeopardise the prospects of Ghana's developmental aspirations.

As the star of Africa, Ghana is on the right track in the pursuance of her developmental aspirations.

A highly disciplined Ghanaian youth then must become a necessary ideal and requirement for Ghana's present efforts to become a great nation.

The older generation of Ghana must also exemplify a strong discipline as some individuals from the older generation are also found wanting in this respect!

Ghana needs selfless, hardworking and dedicated citizens for the achievement of her developmental goals such as the current ongoing one designated as "Ghana Beyond Aid Agenda".

I state categorically that since the youth of Ghana has enormous and exuberant energy to expend, this energy must be harnessed and channelled incorruptibly to serve the interests, and to benefit Ghana in her continual developmental aspirations.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that since the Americans had done it, the Chinese had done it; Ghana can also do it in the present 21st century of recorded history. This is because Ghana as the star of Africa is a blessed country like America and China!

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