Liberia: VOLT Endorses Boakai-Koung Ticket

13 November 2023

Opposition Vision for Liberian Transformation Party (VOLT) has officially endorsed the Presidential bid of Unity Party Standard bearer Amb. Joseph Nyumah Boakai in the election run-off scheduled for 14 November 2023.

VOLT standard bearer Dr. Jeremiah Z. Whapoe announced the decision at a major press conference over the weekend at the party headquarters.

Dr. Whapoe said his party has reached the decision after consultation and meetings with partisans and supporters to support Amb. Boakai in the run-off election.

According to Dr. Whapoe, Amb. Boakai has all it takes to deliver Liberia from its six years of backwardness, poverty, rampant corruption, bad governance and economic stagnation.

"We have gathered here today for VOLT to make its position clear on the run-off election comes Tuesday, November 14, 2023 since the party has been eliminated from the race by systematic fraud and flaw by the incompetence engulfed ... by the National Elections Commission (NEC)," he stated.

Dr. Whapoe stated that in consultation and agreement with the Board of Advisory headed by Mr. Fatoma S.V. Kamokia, and all its members throughout Liberia, VOLTS wants to publicly endorse the Unity Party Standard bearer Amb. Boakai and Senator Jeremiah K. Koung in the Presidential runoff.

Dr. Whapoe disclosed that their decision to encourage Liberians to vote for the two distinct statesmen is pivot on the synonyms of altruistic policies to transform, rescue and develop Liberia.

Whapoe cited the altruistic policies such as mechanized agriculture, poverty eradication for desirable population, innovation and job creation, sound foreign policies with reciprocal benefits for all, and universal healthcare as some of the reasons for endorsing the Boakai-Koung ticket.

He further spoke of the judicial reform, infrastructure development, robust education system engulfed with investment in the youth, national road connectivity, improved security, justice, human rights and accountability, among others.

Dr. Whapoe further indicated that they also endorsed Amb. Boakai for his human character which includes, compassion, selflessness, kindness, empathy and sympathy, benevolent nationalism, patriotism, culturalism and benignant.

Finally, VOLT urges the rescue team to ensure that they continue on the path of bringing the hope of Liberians alive when elected.

"The rescue team, as you have been loved by the Liberian people and being showered with admiration and endorsement, it's our ardent hope that this elephant (Leadership) will continue to be our (the Liberian people's) elephant and not when we approach the village the lyric will change to my elephant, UP elephant, Rescue Team Elephant," he concluded.

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