Liberia: Political Leaders Urged to Sustain Liberia's Peace

16 November 2023

-- As Liberians await run-off election results

Citizens throughout Liberia are urging political leaders to prioritize peace and maintain unity as the National Elections Commission (NEC) begins announcing results from the 14 November 2023 presidential run-off election.

On Wednesday, 15 November, the NEC released a preliminary report from just 1,315 out of 5,890 polling places across the Country.

Incumbent President George Manne Weah and opposition leader Amb. Joseph Nyumah Boakai, the country's immediate past vice president, met for the second time in a run-off.

They earlier battled in a run-off election in 2017 which President Weah won as an opposition leader at the time.

Recognizing the potential for tensions to arise, citizens are calling for a peaceful Liberia and a commitment to the stability and progress of the country.

The run-off election marked an important milestone in Liberia's democratic process.

The election was conducted peacefully in most places, though there were cases of disturbances in a few places.

The process reflected the nation's commitment to upholding democratic values.

While the Commission gradually releases the official results, citizens are anxiously awaiting the outcome and emphasizing the need for national cohesion and stability.

In the wake of the ongoing tallying process, citizens from all walks of life are actively engaging in discussions and community initiatives aimed at fostering peace and unity.

Civil society organizations, religious leaders, and grassroots movements are organizing events and dialogues, encouraging each other to embrace tolerance, respect, and understanding across party lines.

Ms. Kumba Kamara, a prominent civil society activist in Lofa County has stressed the need for maintaining peace and stability.

"Liberia has made remarkable progress over the years, and we must safeguard the unity we have achieved," said Ms. Kamara.

"I call upon our political leaders to act responsibly and prioritize the well-being of the nation above all else. Let us uphold the peace that so many lives were sacrificed to secure," she pleaded.

The citizens' appeal for peace resonates deeply within the nation, as Liberia's history is marred by a devastating civil war that ended only a few decades ago.

The desire to prevent a relapse into conflict and ensure a peaceful transition of power unites Liberians from all backgrounds.

Political leaders are also acknowledging the importance of maintaining peace during this critical juncture.

Representatives from various parties have issued statements emphasizing their commitment to peaceful governance and the well-being of the nation.

They have called for patience, respect for the electoral process, and a commitment to accepting the official results once announced.

The international community, too, has underscored the significance of sustaining peace and stability in Liberia.

Diplomatic missions, international organizations, and regional bodies have commended the peaceful conduct of the elections and expressed their support for a peaceful post-election period.

They have urged political leaders to prioritize dialogue, inclusivity, and the rule of law.

As Liberia awaits the official results, the Election Commission is working diligently to finalize the tabulation process.

The Commission has assured citizens of its commitment to transparency and accuracy in delivering the official outcomes.

While the anticipation for the official results persists, Liberia stands at a critical juncture.

The choices made by political leaders and citizens during this post-election period will shape the nation's future.

It is hoped that their commitment to peace and stability will prevail, fostering an environment conducive to dialogue, national development, and the well-being of all Liberians.

As the nation eagerly awaits the announcement of the official results, the call for unity and peace serves as a reminder of Liberia's collective aspirations for a prosperous future. The citizens' commitment to maintaining peace during this transition period will be crucial in reinforcing Liberia's democratic progress and fostering an environment.

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