Liberia: Boakai to Focus On Development in Southeast

23 November 2023

Liberia's President-elect, Joseph Nyumah Boakai, vows to extend unprecedented development to Southeastern Liberia, saying for too long, the region has suffered the fate of rural neglect.

Addressing a major press conference here on Wednesday, November 22, after his election as President, Amb. Boakai announced, "I promise to extend development across this country, including building the roads of our beautiful region of southeastern Liberia, which for years has suffered the fate of rural neglect. So, I implore all Liberians, irrespective of their ethnic background, county, religion, and political party affiliations to join us on this journey to rescue our country."

He underscores that hard work to rebuild starts now, adding that the challenges of Liberia must be confronted immediately and head-on, to create an equal future for all Liberians and succeeding generations.

The President-Elect says Liberians must leave no stone unturned in addressing and removing the economic, social, and political disparities that undermine their potential.

"Our country is not poor; the problem with our country is bad leadership in all facets of society, including the institutions of the state. I promise to lead by example! I promise a Liberia that will benefit all Liberians. The Liberian state will no longer be used as a predatory tool by and for a few to the detriment of the majority of the people", the 78-year-old statesman, who served as Vice President for 12 years before ascending to the Presidency, further promises.

Mr. Boakai continues that he will promote broad participation of the people, including those in rural communities in the decision-making process, stating that the people of Liberia have spoken loud and clear, and he has heard them.

"We will establish a responsible and accountable government. We will address the major problem of corruption in government especially, in high places.In this regard, I will announce a transitional team in the next few days to work on a transitional plan. We will start working immediately with the outgoing government for a smooth and peaceful transition."

The President-elect says he will work with the current administration to assess the current state of affairs, determine the necessary actions to respond to challenges, build on any progress, and prevent any disruptions to a smooth and successful transition.

"To our Mano River neighbors, the West African region, and the international community at large, including the global business community, we open our arms to you for effective cooperation for the good of our respective peoples. We are, therefore, announcing our intentions to the world that with the mandate of the people of Liberia to lead, we intend to actively participate in global affairs and restore our respectability and dignity, as one of the oldest states in the world", he concludes.

President-elect Boakai seems poised to hit the ground running, immediately after he takes office in January 2024, with his eyes set on roads like his predecessor, President Weah. Editing by Jonathan Browne

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