Liberia: CSOs Vow to Hold Boakai Accountable

President George Weah (file photo).
24 November 2023

At least seven Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) have vowed to hold Liberian President-elect Amb. Joseph Nyumah Boakai accountable if he fails to audit the outgoing Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC)-led government.

The CSOs want the incoming Unity Party (UP) administration to prosecute all those identified to have misused or abused state resources.

"Comprehensively audit the outgoing administration and prosecute those who will be identified to have abused public resources and assets," the CSOs urged the incoming administration.

The seven CSOs held a joint press conference recently at CENTAL's head office in Sinkor, a suburb of Monrovia.

They recommended that the prosecution of corruption officials be in line with due process of law.

They called for an objective, thorough, and inclusive process that ensures that any public resources and assets are identified, retrieved, and used for the benefit of the public.

Atty. Mmonbeydo Joah, Executive Director of the Organization for Women and Children, said on behalf of the CSOs that they strongly recommend that the process be extended to the previous regime headed by the Unity Party from 2006 to 2017, and the CDC regime.

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The group said the UP's previous regime, some officials abused public trust and resources, for which they need to be held equally accountable.

Atty. Joah pointed out that Liberia has made remarkable peace gains after 20 years since the country's civil conflict ended in 2003.

The CSOs said the election of Amb. Boakai from the 14 November 2023 runoff election marks an important milestone in terms of a peaceful transition from one democratically elected government to another.

"As Civil Society organizations and leaders, we wish to congratulate Ambassador Joseph Nyumah Boakai for his election as President from the November 14, 2023 Presidential Runoff Election," the group said.

The seven CSO organizations include the Center for Transparency and Accountability in Liberia (CENTAL), the Organization for Women and Children (ORWOCH), and Accountability Lab Liberia (Alab).

Others are Naymote Partners for Democratic Development, Public Health Initiative Liberia (PHIL), Community Healthcare Initiative (CHI), and Integrity Watch Liberia (IWL).

The group also commended incumbent President George Manneh Weah for honoring his commitment to Liberians and the world to conduct free, fair, transparent, and credible elections.

"This is a time for graciousness in defeat, a time to place our country above party, and patriotism above personal interest," the group said.

The CSOs called on everyone to hold on together to heal the divisions caused by the campaign and come together as one nation and one united people.

"We wholeheartedly applaud President Weah for not only doing so but courageously conceding defeat by congratulating the winner (Ambassador Joseph Nyumah Boakai)," said the CSOs.

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