Liberia: Reject Ill-Advised Actions

-CDC cautions Boakai

The National Chairman of the Coalition for Democratic Change Mulbah K. Morlu is apprehensive of witch-haunting outgoing officials, warning the incoming government under the leadership of President-elect, Joseph N. Boakai to reject ill-advised actions by individuals that he suspects want to see the CDC go down.

"We caution the incoming regime to reject all ill-advised actions such as witch-haunt, economic apartheid, police brutality, and all forms of prejudice detrimental to good governance and stability", Morlu warns.

He gave the caution Friday, December 1, 2023, during a news conference at the CDC headquarters in Oldest Congo Town in what appears to be the CDC's first major post-election engagement with the media.

Morlu notes that President Weah's concession message of the election results bring the presidential runoff election queries to a closure, but that the CDC will not concede a micro inch of Liberia to misrule, witch-haunt and bad governance.

"I admonish CDCians and Liberians at large, do not be frightened; do not yield to politics of intimidation and fear."

He called on partisans and supporters of the CDC to move past what he describes as an "ugly democratic experience" and support the peaceful transfer of power through their transition team.

He said even though they accept the results the UP's victory margin of 50.60 percent compared to their 49.36 percent vote cast doesn't in any way signal a large electoral mandate.

"Yes, we have accepted the outcome of the just-ended controversial election for peace, not because it was free and fair, but because it's the only way to keep our beloved country peaceful from the hands of a den of violent usurpers who are desperate for power."

At the same time, he encourages CDCians to take pride in the six years of rule of President Weah, saying "walk with your heads up high", while arguing that the CDC government under President Weah has set higher standards of governance and the party has made huge development gains that cannot be discarded by hate and lies.

Morlu reminds the incoming government that government is continuity so it now falls on the shoulders of the incoming administration of President-elect, Boakai to maintain such high standards and continue building on Mr. Weah's laudable gains. Editing by Jonathan Browne

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