Africa: Communities that are victims of Descent-Based Discrimination and Slavery (DWD) and the Political, Security and Humanitarian Situation in West Africa and in the Sahel

4 December 2023

The International Day for the Abolition of Slavery will be celebrated this December 2023. This celebration is taking place in a context characterized by the rise in violent extremism, coups d'état, a deteriorating global health situation, human rights violations, poverty, immigration, and climate change.

This situation impacts, significantly, the lives of communities that are victims of Descent-Based Discrimination and Slavery (DWD).

It can be recalled that on July 25, 2023, while examining the political, security and humanitarian situation in West Africa and in the Sahel, the UN Security Council gave the floor to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General in charge of these regions and the Chairperson of the Commission of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS),  Mr. Leonardo Santos Simaõ and Mr. Omar Alieu Touray. These two UN officials took turns to applaud the peaceful holding of several elections but deplored the worsening insecurity and humanitarian situation in the area.

The subsequent consequences are likely to undermine all the efforts already made with the large number of people displaced, executed, persecuted, or abused in the Sahel and in coastal countries.

In such a context, the violation of the rights of communities that are Victims of Descent-Based Discrimination and Slavery (DWD) becomes morefrequent and violent, and the dynamics that underlie them become more complex.

Deeply concerned by this situation, TrustAfrica, ANDS and their partners are organizing a hybrid roundtable on the situation of Communities suffering Descent-Based Discrimination and Slavery (CDWD) in West Africa.

Format : Panel (Hybrid). Interpretation into English

Venue : TrustAfrica and Online.

Date/Time: December 11, 2023, at 15:30 GMT

Click the link below to register:



Presentations :

-Welcome Address by Dr. Ebrima Sall (TrustAfrica) and Ibrahima Ag Idbaltanat (ANDS)


Moderator : Prof. Ibrahima Thioub


1)      Dr. Bakary Sambe, Regional Director, Timbuktu Institute.

2)      Raichatou Wallet, Vice-President, Association Temedt, Mali.

3)      Brahim Ramdane, President, Fondation Sahel, Mauritania.

4)      Woré Ndiaye, Writer, Essayist and Specialist in Conflict Transformation.

5)      Dr Moussa Zangaou, Sociologist, University Researcher, Niger.

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