Liberia: UP Alliance Suspends Volt

-Amid job fight

The leadership of the Unity Party (UP) Alliance of Political Parties has suspended the membership of Dr. Jeremiah Z. Whapoe's Vision for Liberia Transportation Party (VOLT).

The UP-Alliance's decision was contained in a statement signed by Mr. Carlos Tingban Edison.

The group said VOLT's suspension was due to some issues the party has with the UP.

According to the UP Alliance, it had an encounter with some members of the UP-concerning VOLT which seems to be very serious and it demands an urgent response from the leadership of the Alliance.

"As it stands, the Vision for the Transformation of Liberia, VOLT for short has a very serious political issue with the Unity Party that needs to be settled between the two institutions as soon as possible," the statement said.

"Until that is done, VOLT's membership to the Alliance is hereby suspended for time indefinite and we are hereby removing all representatives of VOLT [from] this chatroom," the statement noted.

On 10 November 2023, VOLT officially endorsed the presidential bid of the opposition Unity Party standard bearer Amb. Joseph Nyumah Boakai in the 14 November 2023 presidential run-off election.

During the endorsement of the UP, VOLT leader Dr. Whapoe said his party had decided after consultation and meetings with partisans and supporters to support Amb. Boakai in the run-off election.

Meanwhile, Mr. Carlos Tingban Edison told this paper over the weekend that the letter was issued by the Alliance based on VOLT's issues with the UP.

According to him, the UP Alliance of Political Parties was formed as a result of all of the political parties that endorsed the UP in the runoff election.

He stated that they had suspended the membership of VOLT because they received information from UP leadership that VOLT didn't endorse the UP during the run-off election.

"The suspension is from the Alliance and it's valid and issued by me and approved by the chairperson of the Alliance," he said.

"The UP Alliance comprises lots of parties that endorsed UP during the runoff election. Those parties are qualified to form part of the Alliance called the UP Alliance of Political Parties."

According to him, VOLT didn't pass through the ranks and files to be part of the process.

He pointed out that until VOLT can settle its issues with UP, it remains suspended until further notice.

"Let them go and settle with UP to gain their legitimacy. Let them solve it. We had a conversation with their chairperson and Secretary General that told us they endorsed UP but UP said they didn't and so we have to suspend their membership until it's settled," he concluded.

When contacted, Dr. Jeremiah Z. Whapoe said as far as he is concerned, he is having a good relationship with the UP.

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