Liberia: Lester Tenny Vents Anger At Weah

Ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) stalwart Dr. Lester D. Tenny, has been venting his anger at incumbent President George Manneh Weah for different reasons.

In his recent conversation on a night-time radio program on Spoon FM, Dr. Tenny claimed that never again will President Weah be allowed to run or contest on the CDC ticket as its standard bearer.

Dr. Tenny believes that President Weah will no longer be given the privilege and opportunity to contest on the party ticket in 2029 and beyond.

"I have read in several newspapers and even listened to radios where I heard President Weah blaming the Executive Committee of the Party for the defeat and describing the Executive Committee as insincere," said Dr. Tenny.

"Quote me, President Weah will never be the standard bearer of the CDC again," Dr. Tenny claimed.

It remains to be seen how Dr. Tenny will achieve this plan.

President Weah lost his bid for re-election after serving a term of six years in office as Liberian president.

There is no clear sign for now that Weah has lost popularity within the CDC even though some party officials are unhappy with the outcome of the 2023 presidential elections.

Meanwhile, Tenny has disclosed that they will remove President Weah's name from every document of the CDC.

He accused President Weah of being allegedly sold out, alleging further that the incumbent has sold the CDC because he can't run for the next six years.

Dr. Tenny said the CDC has accepted the presidential defeat and it will consolidate, look at the errors, and rebrand the party for the 2029 elections.

He claimed that President Weah was one of the errors in the party and so they will not allow him to run on the party's ticket again.

Dr. Tenny accused Mr. Weah of allegedly disrespecting the people of the party and presenting the Executive Committee as if it wanted war and conflict in the country. On the other hand, Tenny said Weah presented himself as a peacemaker.

"We will have a smooth six years and we will rebrand the party. But, I can assure you, President Weah, you will never run again on this party ticket. It will not happen," said Tenny.

"You are a wicked man. We will remove your name from any documents that have to do with the party," he stated.

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