Nigeria: Showing Compassion, Shettima Leads Govt's Delegation to Visit Kaduna Bomb Victims, Promises Rebuilding

8 December 2023

Kaduna, Minna — Vice-President Kashim Shettima, yesterday, hinted at plans by the federal government to rebuild Tudun Biri village in Igabi Local Government Area of Kaduna State, hit by an accident bomb from drones belonging to the Nigerian Army, last weekend.

According to Shettima, who visited victims of the attack, President Bola Tinubu had directed that the Pullako Initiative should be kick-started in Kaduna State.

This, he said, should be with a complete package, including houses, clinics, schools, veterinary clinics, empowerment initiatives and solar energy, among others, in Tudun Biri community as a way of compensation for the destruction caused by the drone misfire.

Shettima, according to a release by his media aide, Stanley Nkwocha, made the disclosure after visiting the victims of the drone misfire at the Barau Dikko Teaching Hospital in Kaduna State, where some of the casualties, most of whom were women and children, were receiving treatment.

The Vice President also directed the Management of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) to mobilise and provide adequate support to the victims of the tragedy in Tudun Biri village.

This was as the United States government, yesterday, called for a responsible deployment of artificial intelligence by the military.

At the same time, the Defence Headquarters (DHQ), has released the official casualty figure of the Kaduna drone strike, which it put at 81 dead and 71 injured and receiving treatments.

Meanwhile, not less than 300 heavily armed terrorists, fleeing from the joint military operations in parts of Niger and Kaduna States on Wednesday, flooded the Tsohon Kabula village in the Munya Local Government Area of Niger State.

However, announcing Tinubu's decision to rebuild the community, Shettima, who spoke at a meeting with leaders and other stakeholders of the community said, ''Most importantly, the president approved the commencement of the Pullako Initiative by next month. The Pullako Initiative is the President's unique response as a non-kinetic approach to the challenges in the North West.

''Beneficiary states are Sokoto, Kebbi, Zamfara, Katsina, Kaduna, and for the purpose of equity and justice, we deliberately included Niger and Benue States.

''Actually, our intent was to kick off the programme in Sokoto, but in the light of recent development, the President directed that the Pullako Initiative should be kick-started here in Kaduna State.

''And Tudun Biri will be the first beneficiary of that scheme. We are going to build houses that will complement the efforts of the Right Honorable Speaker.

''But ours is a complete package as well, including houses, clinics, schools, veterinary clinics, empowerment initiatives and solar energy. It's a complete package of solutions as a non-kinetic response to the problems of banditry and kidnapping in the North West.''

The vice-president also noted that the president was worried about the tragic incident, pointing out that away from the number of casualties, it was gruesome to lose even one life.

Taking a leaf from the late renowned journalist, Dele Giwa, Shettima said, ''I am here because the president is deeply concerned. He was deeply touched by what happened. As the late Dele Giwa rightly said, let's not talk about the numbers; 'one life taken in cold blood is as gruesome as millions lost in a pogrom'.

''The heart of the President is with the bereaved families. We were in the hospital to sympathise with the victims and rest assured that the federal government stands by the community affected, the government and the people of Kaduna State on this unfortunate incident.

''It is already directed by Mr. President and an investigation is being conducted, to prevent a recurrence of the incident and we expect a report to be submitted in the shortest time possible,'' said the vice-president.

Shettima thanked religious leaders and elders of the community for not yielding to what he described as a plot to politicise the incident in an attempt to inflame passions.

Earlier at the hospital, the Chief Medical Director, Dr. Shuaibu Musa, told the vice-president that the hospital received 71 victims with different degrees of injuries.

He said some of the casualties had been referred to 44 Nigerian Army Reference Hospital, Kaduna.

Shettima, in company with the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Tajudeen Abbas; the state Governor, Uba Sani; APC National Chairman, Dr. Abdullahi Ganduje; Minister of Defence, Ibrahim Badaru and other senior government officials, moved from bed to bed consoling victims of the attack, while receiving briefings on the health condition of each of the patients on their hospital bed.

US Seeks Responsible Deployment of Artificial Intelligence

In the wake of the the wrong targeting of drone strike by the Nigerian Army, claiming many lives in Kaduna, weekend, the United States government, yesterday, called for the responsible deployment of artificial intelligence by the military.

Speaking in Abuja, the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of Arms Control, Deterrence and Stability at the US Department of State, Paul Dean, called for the responsible deployment of artificial intelligence to avoid unintended consequences.

''So, first of all, deep condolences on the tragedy that happened over this week. I do think your question raises the very salient point that artificial intelligence will help militaries improve their operations in a very tangible way.

''Artificial intelligence will help militaries deliver on their international humanitarian law obligations. It will help militaries improve efficiency, eliminate biases and improve overall decision making.

''And this, I think, will be of enormous value to global stability. We want to encourage the positive applications of artificial intelligence in the military.

''The initiative that we and our partners have launched just last month is centered around achieving just that, maximising the tremendous value of artificial intelligence in military applications and at the same time ensuring the international community has coalesced around a series of norms of responsible behaviour to make sure that we are reducing the risk of unintended consequences or negative applications.

''So, we are convinced that when states commit themselves to using this technology in a predictable, transparent, stable and responsible way, the international community will be in the position of maximising the advantages while reducing the risks of a irresponsible approach.''

He however, commended the commitment of the Nigerian government to responsible behaviour and stability.

''I think Nigeria is a natural leader in this area, and their commitment to the responsible behaviour and stability that I've heard during my visit here convinces me that Nigeria would be an indispensable and valuable partner whose perspective would greatly add to the discussion of how the international community can ensure that artificial intelligence in the military is incorporated in a safe, stable and reliable manner,'' he said.

DHQ: 81 Dead, 71 Injured, Receiving Treatment

The Defence Headquarters (DHQ), yesterday, released the official casualty figure of the Kaduna drone strike which it put at 81 dead and 71 injured and receiving treatment.

At a media briefing in Abuja, the Director, Defence Media Operations (DMO), Maj Gen Edward Buba, said the figures stood at 81 dead, 71 injured.

''The village leaders have 81 killed, 70 receiving treatment,'' he said, adding that, the military ''is interested in the protection of civilians. We have demonstrated this. The military will go to great length to protect civilians.''

He denied that lack of synergy and intelligence coordination was responsible for the wrong targeting of the drone strike.

''We will continue to conduct our operations consistent with rule of engagement as always done. Our operations is joint. If we talk about cooperation, we have not had it better than this. We are determined to improve upon synergies. In future, we will work towards zero occurrence,'' he said.

Fleeing Terrorists Flood Niger Community, Sack Villagers

Not less than 300 heavily armed terrorists, fleeing from the joint military operations in parts of Niger and Kaduna States on Wednesday, flooded the Tsohon Kabula village in the Munya Local Government Area of Niger State.

The gunmen were said to be riding three on each motorcycles at the time they arrived the community.

THISDAY was told by a villager, who preferred to remain anonymous that the arrival of the terrorists had made the villagers to scamper to safety and vacate the village because of fears that the gunmen could unleash havoc on them.

So far it was said the gunmen had only just taken over the abandoned residences and food bans of the villagers without attacking them while some of the bandits were reportedly stationed at strategic locations as security in the event of arrival of men of the local vigilante and the armed forces.

It was learnt that the villagers, who only recently returned to Tsohon Kabula after several months of staying in Internally Displaced People's Camps because of the restoration of peace have returned to Sabon Kabula and Sarkinpawa towns, where they are staying with their relations.

THISDAY was also informed that another batch of the terrorists escaping from the operations were also on Wednesday morning neutralised while trying to cross the river Kusasu to the other side.

The gunmen were said to have seized a wooden boat and forced it's owner to pilot them across the river to the other side.

However, it was learnt that the boat was sighted from the skies leading to its being bombed by the government force.

Miraculously THISDAY learnt that all those in the boat apart from its owner, who was forced to convey them escaped death.

The air component of the military operations and some local vigilante were said to be on their way to Tsohon Kabula to dislodge the bandits hibernating there.

The owner of the boat, it was further learnt, has already returned to Zumba, where he was congratulated by friends and relations.

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