Nigeria: Kaduna Error - We'll Be 100% Sure Before Bombing Targets - DHQ

8 December 2023

Following the accidental bombing of civilians in the Tudun Biri community, Igabi Local Government Area of Kaduna State by unmanned drones of the Nigerian Army, last Sunday, the Defence Headquarters has said it would no longer bomb any target unless it was 100 percent sure.

''Henceforth, we will be 100 percent sure of our target before we carry out bombings,'' Director of Defence Media Operations, Major Gen Edward Buba, assured, yesterday, as he revealed the casualty figure of the aerial bombardment.

According to him, 81 persons were killed and 70 were injured.

''We, as the Armed Forces of Nigeria, will continue to conduct our operations consistent with the rules of engagement, which we have always done and our operations wËll always be joint.

''Regarding the incident that happened in Kaduna, the military always learns from its operations and continues to build from it. The military will deal with it squarely. We will ensure that we have zero occurrences in the future.''

On allegations in certain quarters, including an Arewa group that the bombing was aimed at reducing the population of the North, Gen Buba faulted such thinking, saying: ''The armed forces of Nigeria is a professional force. We have members from every tribe, ethnic group from all parts of this country. Whatever that group is saying, it is faulty, it is in error and unpatriotic.

''We should realise that it is not just the military that is at war, all the country is at war. We are in it together. The country is taking part in the war. We will make sure that going forward, we get more training, more understanding of the processes and protocols involved to make sure that next time, we are 100 per cent sure before we carry out bombings.

''For now, we will continue to urge communities to pass information to us. Ie you see something, know something, give us information, and timely, too.''

Equip military with more accurate surveillance technology, CAN urges FG

To avert a recurrence of the error, the Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN, has called for the armed forces to be equipped with more accurate surveillance technology and intelligent devices.

CAN President, Archbishop Daniel Okoh, in a statement, yesterday, expressed condolences to the victims and the Kaduna State Government, acknowledging the challenging circumstances under which the Nigerian Armed Forces have been combating terrorism within the nation.

He said: ''The unfortunate event underlines the urgent need for our Armed Forces to prioritise the safety of civilians, especially when intelligence reports are not definitive.

''Enhanced surveillance technology and intelligent devices can help differentiate between terrorist threats and innocent civilians, thereby minimizing collateral damage.''

The CAN appealed to all interest groups, both political and religious, to refrain from capitalizing on the tragic incident for personal gain.

''The focus should remain on supporting the affected communities and working together to prevent future occurrences,'' Okoh added.

Expressing support for the Federal Government in its ongoing war against terrorism and insurgency, CAN urged the government to prioritise the safety of its people and take necessary actions to curb terrorism nationwide.

Ohanaeze condemns act, seeks thorough investigation

The apex Igbo socio-cultural organisation, Ohanaeze Ndigbo Worldwide, on its part, condemned the accidental bombing, which it described as unfortunate.

Ohanaeze in a statement by its National Publicity Secretary, Dr. Alex Ogbonnia, urged President Tinubu, to launch an investigation into the incident, saying: ''It is indeed a paradox that at a time Nigerians are facing various challenges and losses of lives in the hands of bandits, kidnappers, Boko-Haram insurgents among others, an air mishap by the Nigerian Army will claim about 85 lives.''

It said that its President General, Dr. Emmanuel Iwuanyanwu, expressed deep sorrow over the avoidable catastrophe and urged President Tinubu ''to conduct a thorough investigation on the bomb mishap and those found to be negligent should face the full weight of the Law.''

US urges deployment of AI to reduce accidental bombings

Also speaking on the disaster, the United States government through the Bureau of Arms Control, Deterrence, and Stability, said the deployment of Artificial Intelligence would help the Nigerian armed forces to reduce the incidents of accidental bombings in its war against terrorism and other security threats to the barest minimum.

The Deterrence Bureau said the adoption of AI by the Nigerian military would apart from improving its precision capabilities also prevent the military from running foul of international humanitarian law.

Making this known during a roundtable with the media in Abuja, yesterday, the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Paul Dean said: ''Artificial intelligence will help militaries improve their operations in a very tangible way.

Artificial intelligence will help militaries deliver on their international humanitarian law obligations. It will help militaries improve efficiency, eliminate biases, and improve overall decision-making.

''This, I think, will be of enormous value to global stability. We want to encourage the positive applications of artificial intelligence in the military. This initiative that we and our partners launched just last month is centered around achieving just that, maximizing the tremendous value of artificial intelligence in military applications.

''And at the same time, ensuring the international community has coalesced around a series of norms of responsible behaviour to make sure that we are reducing the risk of unintended consequences or negative applications.

''So, we are convinced that when states commit themselves to using this technology in a predictable, transparent, stable, and responsible way, the international community will be in the position of maximizing the advantages while reducing the risks of an irresponsible approach.''

Culprits must be punished - Tinubu

Meanwhile, President Bola Tinubu, yesterday, vowed that whoever was found wanting in the error drone bombing that killed about 100 people at Tudun Biri village of Kaduna State would be punished accordingly.

Represented by the Vice President Kashim Shattima,Tinubu spoke, yesterday, after visiting the victims at Barau Dikko Teaching Hospital Kaduna.

''The Federal Government remains committed to the fight against banditry accross the region.

''President Tinubu sent us to commiserate the people of Kaduna over the tragic incident. The calibre of people that are here with me is a testimony on how deeply touched the president was by the incident.

''The President was deeply touched by what happened, we will like to assure the people and government of Kaduna State that the government will take measures to protect and preserve the interest of our nation.

''The victims will be taken well care of under the Fulako Initiative, which will commence by this month and this community will be the first to be rebuilt in north west zone. All measures would be taken to ensure that future occurance are averted . Government will go to the root of the issue and anyone found culpable will be punished accordingly,'' he said.

While at the Sir Kashim Ibrahim House, Shattima said: ''I am here on behalf of President Tinubu to come and commiserate, to sympathise and empathise with the people and government of Kaduna State, especially the inhabitants of of Tudun Biri, who were affected by the unfortunate incident of couple of days ago.

''I am here because the President is deeply concerned; he was deeply touched by what happened.

''As directed by Mr President, an investigation is being conducted with a view to preventing recurrence of the incident and we expect the report to be submitted very soon.

''I want to register our profound gratitude to our religious leaders, our community leaders who served as stabilizing forces in this trying moment. Efforts were made to politicize the the incident, by our leaders chose to act in the path of decency, on the path of moderation, on the path of maturity and we cannot but thank them profusely.''

FG to build houses, clinics, schools, others in Tudun Biri

The Vice President also said there were plans by the Federal Government to rebuild Tudun Biri village in Igabi of Kaduna State.

He said President Tinubu had directed that the Pullako Initiative should be kick-started in Kaduna State, with a complete package, including houses, clinics, schools, veterinary clinics, empowerment initiatives and solar energy, among others, in Tudun Biri community as a way of compensation for the destruction caused by the drone misfire.

He said, ''Most importantly, the President approved the commencement of the Pullako Initiative by next month. The Pullako Initiative is the President's unique response as a non-kinetic approach to the challenges in the North West.

''Beneficiary states are Sokoto, Kebbi, Zamfara, Katsina, Kaduna, and for the purpose of equity and justice, we deliberately included Niger and Benue States.

''Actually, our intent was to kick off the programme in Sokoto, but in the light of recent development, the President directed that the Pullako Initiative should be kick-started here in Kaduna State. And Tudun Biri will be the first beneficiary of that scheme. We are going to build houses that will complement the efforts of the Speaker.

''But ours is a complete package as well, including houses, clinics, schools, veterinary clinics, empowerment initiatives and solar energy. It's a complete package of solutions as a non-kinetic response to the problems of banditry and kidnapping in the North West.''

Uba Sani Appreciates

Governor Uba Sani of Kaduna State, appreciated President Tinubu for sending the delegation with VP Shettima to commiserate the people of Kaduna state. He appreciated the FG for responding to the call for immediate investigation into the incident.

ACF calls for redeployment of GOC 1 Div, others

Meanwhile, the Arewa Consultative Forum, ACF, has called for the redeployment of the General Officer Commanding of One Division of the Nigerian Army, Kaduna, along with his immediate subordinate officers to allow for unfettered investigations into the Kaduna error bombing.

The Forum in a statement by the National Publicity Secretary, Prof. T. Muhammad-Baba, stated that ''as a trite principle of justice, One Division of the Nigerian Army must not and should not be allowed to investigate itself. An independent panel of investigators is clearly indicated. Further, the results of the investigations must be made public, issues that border on national security considerations excepted.

''Since December 3, 2023, incident of the bombing of the Tudun Biri community in Igabi of Kaduna State, two significant events have occurred to warrant a reaction by ACF. We warmly welcomes the visit of the minister of State (Defense) along with the Chief of Army Staff, COAS, and other top government officials to Tudun Biri community, on December 6, 2023, where the delegation also attended the funeral rites of some of the 126 victims of the incident.

''The visit was very appropriate and gave the Federal Government as well as the Nigerian Army a needed human face. ACF considers the visit a welcome departure from earlier rather insipid response to the incident by officers of One Division of the Nigerian Army, Kaduna. Although ACF is not aware of specific words of apology from the Minister of State over the incident. arguably, the visit was in itself an apology enough to the Tudun Biri community.

''The COAS had announced a donation of N10 million to the community which ACF considers as grossly inadequate, firmly believing that it is the Federal Government, not the Nigerian Army, that should take responsibility for full compensation for deaths and injuries to victims arising from the incident.

''Still, ACF urges the Army Chief of Staff, as a sign of good faith, to follow up with additional steps to ameliorate the pains and suffering of the community. The plaintive Tudun Biri Community must not be left alone in its recovery process.''

Bring culprits to book, pay full compensation to relatives of victims - Islamic Forum tells FG, COAS

Also, an Islamic Forum, whose membership cuts across different sects of Tijaniyya, Qadiriya, Shiites and the Izala, while the mishap, said only a thorough and independent investigation would convince them that the bombing was not deliberately targeted at the worshippers.

It called on the Federal Government and COAS to bring the culprits of the military drone attack book ''if the investigation found out the bombing was not a mistake.

''We also demand for payment of full compensation to relatives of all the victims who lost their lives,'' it added.

Compensate, support victims families, CSO tells FG, CDS

In like manner, a non-governmental organiaation, the Civil Society Organisation on Community And Humanitarian Enhancement Initiative, CSCHEI, appealed to the government to ensure justice is done on the matter.

Director General of CSCHEI, Mr. Kunle Yusuff, in a statement in Abuja, called for an independent investigation to unravel the cause of the attack.

''We are appealing to the government and the Chief of Defence Staff to take immediate action to investigate the incident and bring justice to the affected families. This incident is not only a violation of the right to life and freedom of worship, but it also underscores the need for greater accountability and transparency in military operations,'' it said.

The group also called for an independent and thorough investigation into the drone attack to determine the cause of the incident, identifying those responsible, and holding them accountable.

Besides, it calls for adequate compensation and support to the families of the victims and those injured in the attack.

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