Liberia - USAID Donates Modern Medical Equipment to Three Counties

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Liberia, in collaboration with STAIP, has donated lifesaving medical equipment to eight health centers in Liberia.

USAID, which leads international development and humanitarian efforts to save lives, reduce poverty, and strengthen democratic governance, donated medical equipment, including neonatal mechanical ventilation sets, newborn incubators, and resuscitation tables, among other crucial items.

The official handover ceremony for the medical equipment took place at the Belefanai Health Center in Zota (District #4), Bong County, over the weekend. The targeted beneficiaries of this equipment donation are the health centers in Margibi, Bong, and Nimba Counties. The provision of this equipment and medical supplies aims to enhance neonatal care and reduce maternal mortality rates in Liberia.

USAID Mission Director to Liberia, James Wright, stated that the donated equipment would play a vital role in reducing maternal and newborn mortality rates.

Wright urged the County Health Team Officers to ensure that the equipment is properly used for its intended purpose and pledged USAID's continued commitment to promoting access to quality healthcare in Liberia.

Dr. Francis Kateh, Chief Medical Officer and Deputy Minister for Health Services at the Ministry of Health, commended USAID for its dedication to revitalizing Liberia's health system. He stressed the importance of prioritizing patient welfare and care, as it directly impacts treatment outcomes.

Kateh emphasized that proper patient care is fundamental to the overall healthcare delivery system in Liberia and helps prevent patients from abandoning treatment.

"We want to urge our healthcare providers to prioritize the welfare and care of their patients. This is fundamental to the patient's well-being and rapid response to treatment," he said. He revealed that the lack of proper patient care undermines the health system and allows unattended patients to abandon health facilities and treatments, something he said is counterproductive to the healthcare delivery system of Liberia.

Bong County officials, including Superintendent Esther Walker and the County Health Officer, Dr. Cynthia Blapooh, expressed gratitude to USAID for the generous donation of health equipment.

The local officials believe that these materials will significantly contribute to improving the country's health sector. They assured USAID and partners of their commitment to properly maintain the donated equipment for the betterment of Liberia's healthcare delivery system.

Health facility officials from Margibi and Nimba counties also praised USAID for demonstrating its commitment to strengthening the country's health system. The beneficiaries shared that the donated equipment has already made a positive impact in their communities and counties. The handover ceremony took place on December 14, 2023, in Belefana, Bong County.

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