Nigeria: NAF Trains 568 Specialists to Enhance Proficiency in Combat Skills

20 December 2023

The Nigerian Air Force, on Wednesday, graduated 568 specialists to enhance proficiency and expertise in ground combat skills.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reported that the 568 personnel were trained at the Nigerian Air Force Institute of Administrative Management (NAFIAM) and Regiment Training Centre (RTC), Kaduna.

The Chief of Air Staff, Air Marshal Hassan Abubakar, commended NAFIAM and RTC for their continued efforts in training personnel to enhance their administrative proficiency and expertise in ground combat skills.

The Air Chief was represented by Air Officer Commanding (AOC), Grand Training Command, AVM Usman Abdullahi.

"This has been achieved by ensuring that the new ideas and concepts passed to the personnel meet the requirements to function effectively in the asymmetric and dynamic security challenges confronting our country," he added.

According to him, the graduation is another milestone in the achievements of both institutions which have over the years trained highly skilled manpower to effectively perform administrative and ground combat duties in the Nigerian Air Force.

He said that the vision of increasing the NAF training capacity was being actualized with the additional 568 personnel, comprising 32 officers and 536 airmen and airwomen who completed their sundry courses.

Abubakar said NAF under his leadership remained committed to continually pursuing purposeful training and capacity development of all NAF personnel.

"As we make efforts to build the Nigerian Air Force's capability for future warfare, we are mindful of the fact that all specialties have a role to play in achieving this ambition.

"Hence, this administration considers value addition to ground training as one of its priorities.

"In this regard, the specialized regiment training is geared towards building force protection capability to better secure our bases and develop special skills for frontline rescue operations," the CAS said.

He added that efforts were being made to improve competencies in a wide range of administrative functions to sustain a highly motivated and effective fighting force.

"The outcome of our training drive is already being seen in the seamless way the Nigerian Air Force conducts its operations across the country," Abubakar said.

According to him, the NAF is currently reinvigorating some of its capabilities that have declined, developing new ones in line with the changing security environment and adapting processes to reflect the broader range of security requirements.

"Similarly, efforts are being made to renovate and reinstall the electronic shooting range in RTC.

"In addition, the Regiment Airborne School would be developed to enable in-house airborne training for regiment personnel and pilots as well as aircrew.

"Also, facilities such as rappelling with insertion and extraction towers would be provided to further develop the regiment air assault training.

"Similar efforts are being made to provide facilities towards improving the quality of training and operational capability across the Nigerian Air Force," he added.

Abubakar said the NAF had recently taken delivery of 2 additional Diamond-62 (DA-62), and modalities are currently in place to induct the T-129 ATAK Helicopters, to further boost NAF operations.

"Furthermore, the anticipated arrival of an array of new platforms such as the M-346, AH-12, A-109 Trekker, and the remaining T-129 ATAK helicopter will not only bolster NAF operations, but also spill over to improve the security architecture of our dear Nation.

" I am particularly delighted that our foreign counterparts from Ghana Air Force were able to cope with the peculiarities of our environment and have gained from the course.

"For the Nigerian Air Force personnel, I am sure your courses have taken you a step further in your career."

He charged the personnel to imbibe the core values and attributes of military professionalism which include absolute loyalty, discipline, integrity, physical fitness, motivation, decisiveness, teamwork, and courage among others.

He also urged them to be good ambassadors of the Nigerian Air Force by upholding its tenet of 'Integrity First, Service before Self and Excellence in all you do'.

The CAS said that the possession of these virtues forms the es-sprit de corps that binds all ranks and specialties in the Service.

"The current leadership of the NAF is committed to enthroning professionalism and as such, the rigorous military training you have received was designed to enhance your skills and performance.

"I implore you to put all that you have learnt during the course to maximum use towards contributing to the attainment of the NAF mission," he added.

According to him, the Federal Government through appropriate policies has re-ordered its priorities to maximize the use of available resources.

He therefore said that the NAF had also re-strategized to ensure the utmost utilization of all equipment and resources provided by the Government.

The CAS said all Nigerian Air Force personnel must continue to live above expectations fulfilling the mandate entrusted to them.

Abubakar appreciated President Bola Tinubu for his unrelenting support to the Nigerian Air Force and reiterated their unalloyed loyalty to the country.

NAN reported that 10 personnel of the Ghana Air Force were among the 568 personnel who completed the training.

Prizes were given to those who distinguished themselves during the course.


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