Nigeria: I Never Knew I Would Be Recognised By a Prestigious Outlet Like Zuma - - Daso

23 December 2023

Saratu Gidado has been a force to reckon with in the entertainment industry. She is an active pioneering member of Kannywood. Daso, as she is known in the industry, was among the awardees in the just concluded Zuma Film Festival awards. In this interview, she speaks on her success as an actress, among other issues.

How did you feel when your name came up as a winner of the "Lifetime Achievement Award"?

To God be the glory. I felt I was honoured with an award that has a global recognition, because the event had in attendance prominent personalities from many places across the globe. I was the only person recognised from the Hausa entertainment industry.

I was nominated based on the contribution I have been giving to the development of the entertainment sector. Presently, I am more active on my social media handles, and my handles have become my contact point. That was why the organisers made it public on social media that I had been nominated as one of the awardees for the 2023 awards.

It will amaze you if I say I had no contact with the organisers of the festival at all and they had no contact with me either. Therefore, being nominated they felt that they should notify me and they chose my Instagram handle to send the notification and the invitation to me. This clearly shows that there are people who really recognise and appreciate what we have been doing in ensuring that we keep the entertainment industry vibrant and more entertaining.

The organisers sent the invitation after responding to their nomination notice. I held the invitation for months before making it public.

We went to Abuja and we participated in the whole event; it was really worth the trouble, and I am very happy to be part of the history-making event.

How did you feel about being the only nominee from the Hausa entertainment industry?

I was not only the only one from the Hausa entertainment sector, I was also not the only one from the Northern part of the country. There were two nominees, myself and one other from the South. I really felt very important and elated. It was a moment that I would live the rest of my life cherishing, because it is very impressive to get recognition for what you believe in, as well as to get awarded for doing what you love to do.

What makes this award different from other awards you have won?

Indeed I have won several awards in my career as an actress. I have been in the entertainment industry for 23 years and I can't recall how many times I have won awards as an actress, but this particular award is so dear to my heart, because I have never thought I would be recognised by such a prestigious outlet like Zuma and be honoured in such a manner. The award is a special one and that is why it is so special to me.

This award has been so motivating to me; it gives me a strong feeling to continue with my acting career. The award has really encouraged me to do more in the development of the entertainment sector. I was awarded not because I lobbied for it and not because I know someone that will seek a favour on my behalf, this is an award given to me because I deserved to be awarded based on the contribution I have given to the industry.

What would you say to your colleagues?

Just like always, I advise that they should take what they do as seriously as any practitioner of a profession will do. The public is watching and noting, it is vividly clear that one day our efforts will be recognised and acknowledged by those that matter.

It is apparent that before Saratu Gidado won this award others had done that, but as God will have it, 2023 is for Saratu Gidado, and here I am celebrating with my colleagues, friends and family. I strongly believe with good and dedicated attempts, there is always a reward.

It is also important for practitioners in the industry to take what they do as a profession and not as a gateway to stardom.

What would you say to fans of Kannywood?

I would like to call on not only the fans of Kannywood, but also on the public, to understand that we are humans, and acting is a profession just like any other profession. There are the good ones and there are the bad ones. Therefore, generalisation of all artistes as bad is wrong.

If one feels that Kannywood as an entity isn't good, the entity is being regarded by someone somewhere as an entity that is good. It is high time that the public should stand to protect the industry for a better society. We should always try to do justice to ourselves.

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