Nigeria: Akeredolu Left Indelible Footprints - NBA

27 December 2023

Akeredolu's departure, the NBA said, "is our collective loss".

The Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) has mourned Governor Oluwarotimi Akeredolu of Ondo State, who died early Wednesday.

His departure, the NBA said, "is our collective loss."

Recalling his contributions to the growth and development of Ondo State and the South-west region, particularly his roles in the establishment of the regional security network, Amotekun, the NBA said Mr Akeredolu has left "indelible footprints in the sands of time".

NBA president, Yakubu Maikyau, signed a statement paying tribute to Mr Akeredolu on Wednesday.

Mr Akeredolu, fondly called Aketi, died in a German hospital in the early hours of Wednesday after a protracted battle with prostate cancer.

Mr Maikyau said Mr Akeredolu, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria and former NBA president, would be remembered for his forthrightness and down-to-earth perspectives.

"He will be positively remembered for his several contributions to the growth and development of Ondo State and the entire region.

"As Governor, Aketi was at the forefront of the establishment of the regional security network, Amotekun, to address security concerns in the western region.

"So far, the network has been effective in stemming the tide of terrorism, armed robbery, kidnapping, banditry, etc., within the region and currently stands as a model for other regions to emulate. For his contributions to the progress of Nigeria, he was recognised by the Federal Government and conferred with the national honour of Commander of the Order of the Niger (CON) in October 2022.

"There is no denying that the learned Senior Advocate left indelible footprints in the sands of time," the statement read in part.

The NBA also lauded Mr Akeredolu's professional achievements and contributions to the association.

"Aketi, as he was popularly called, was in our lexicon a true Bar man who firmly believed in the ability of the legal profession to make a difference in our society. It was this belief that led him into politics resulting in being elected twice as the Governor of Ondo State.

"Aketi will mostly be remembered for his forthrightness and down-to-earth perspectives, especially on matters of national importance," it stated.

Mr Maikyau, also a SAN, recalled that Mr Akeredolu was called to the Bar in 1978 and had served the NBA in several capacities.

He variously served as Secretary and Vice Chair of the Ibadan Branch and went on to become the 24th President of the Association from 2008 to 2010 - one of the most influential and courageous Presidents ever to lead the NBA.

"The late learned Senior Advocate also served the nation in various other capacities at different times, one of which was as Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice from 1997 to 1999 and later as two-term Governor from 2017 till his demise."

The NBA commiserated with the entire Akeredolu clan, particularly his wife, Betty, and children, "on this very painful loss".

The statement added, "I also extend my condolences to the Ondo State Executive Committee and the entire people of Ondo State. Aketi's departure is our collective loss.

"My prayer is that God Almighty will comfort the hearts of all members of his family, his colleagues, and friends. May the peace of God which is beyond human understanding, protect our hearts and minds through Christ our Lord, Amen."

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