Liberia: WHO Donates Medical Supplies to Support Fuel Tanker Explosion Response in Bong County

press release

The World Health Organization (WHO) has donated emergency medical supplies to the Ministry of Health in response to the fuel tanker disaster that has fatally affected over 80 persons.

Dr. Moses Jeuronlon, WHO Officer in Charge, said during the handing-over of the medical supplies that the supplies were WHO initial support to ensure the timely provision of urgently needed medical care for the victims of the explosion.

To ease the burden on the already outstretched health facilities in the affected county, WHO donated items including injectable analgesics, assorted antibiotics, intravenous fluids, materials and supplies for wound dressing, examination, and surgical gloves, among others.

Receiving the donated items, the Honorable Minister of Health, Dr Wilhelmina Jallah, commended WHO for the timely donations to the MOH in response to the fuel tanker disaster.

Dr Jallah said WHO has always been a reliable partner and supporter in difficult times and the emergency medical supplies will be used immediately to alleviate the sufferings of people in various hospitals where victims are being treated in Bong, Nimba, and Montserrado Counties.

According to initial statistics provided by the Medical Director of the Phebe Hospital in Bong County, 82 cases (79 males and 3 females) have been reported with 42 severely injured persons referred to the John F Kennedy Medical Center and the 14 Military and ELWA Hospitals in Monrovia. Additional two victims were transferred to Ganta United Methodist Hospital in Nimba County. So far, up to 4 deaths have been reported by hospital sources.

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