Liberia: Us Sanction Is Not On All Senators

-Dillion refutes Chie's claims

Senator Abraham Darius Dillon has strongly opposed Senate Pro-Temp Albert Chie's claim that the sanctions imposed on him, and Senator Emmanuel Nuquay by the United States Government have tainted the character of every member of the Liberian Senate.

On 12 December 2023, pursuant to Section 7031(c), the United States publicly designated Finance Minister Samuel Tweah, Senate President Pro-temp Chie Albert T. Chief and Margibi County Senator J. Emmenaule Nuquay for alleged acts of corruption.

According to the United States, the three sanctioned officials reportedly abused their public positions through soliciting, accepting, and offering bribes to manipulate legislative processes and public funding, including legislative reporting and mining sector activity.

"As part of this action, their immediate family members are also designated, including their spouses Delecia Berry Tweah, Abigail Chie, and Ruthtoria Brown Nuquay, and Tweah and Nuquay's minor children," the U.S. statement said.

A few days after, the Grand Kru County Senator and Liberian Senate President Pro-Tempore Albert Chie reacted to the allegations in open Senate plenary, terming them as false and misleading.

At the same time, Chie claimed that the grave allegations made by the United States border on the hard-earned character of all members of the Senate, regardless of their political affiliations and personal views.

"You will take the appropriate action individually, severally and collectively as your wisdom dictates. No matter from which angle you look at it, that attack is on all Legislators, whether from 'ruling position, from opposition," Mr. Chie alleged ed.

Responding to Chie's assertions Monday, 1 January 2024 at his private residence in Barnersville, Senator Abraham Darius Dillon said he did not agree with Mr. Chie on his claim about other unsanctioned legislative colleagues.

"I don't agree with Albert Chie on that thing. The American people didn't agree with him on that thing that's why they sanctioned his one," Dillon intoned.

The vocal Montserrado County Senator further compared Pro-temp Chie's claim to general comments some media practitioners usually make, saying they associate the blunder of a single senator with the rest of the other senators despite their individual efforts on the floor.

"But that's the same way y'all in the media can say all of us are useless even though y'all can see some of us fighting," Dillon noted.

Senator Dillon's contention against the Senate Pro-tempore's statement is that, the Government of the United States of America would not have designated superficially the Grand Kru County Senator alone if his analysis that includes everyone is correct.

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