Nigeria: No Apology for Backing Gov Diri's Re-Election, Says Jonathan

The wife of the former president, Patience Jonathan, was also on hand to receive the governor and his entourage.

Former President Goodluck Jonathan says he owes no apology to anybody for supporting the re-election of Governor Douye Diri of Bayelsa in the 11 November 2023 off-cycle governorship poll.

Mr Jonathan said his public support for the governor was in line with the aspirations of the majority of people of the state.

The former president made this known when he received a high-powered delegation led by the governor who visited him at his residence in Yenagoa.

The wife of the former president, Patience Jonathan, was also on hand to receive the governor and his entourage.

According to him, the governor deserved to be re-elected because of his developmental efforts, including ensuring peace and stability in the state.

"I did what l did during the governorship election and l have no apologies to anybody because l know that the governor and his team were doing very well, especially in the area of peace and stability of the state.

"At a time, l became very worried. I have not said others did not do well. After all, l was also governor for a little less than one and a half years and also had my challenges.

"Since Diri came on board, the excesses of cult groups, particularly in Yenagoa, has reduced reasonably. If we must move forward, first and foremost, we must handle the issue of security in order to attract investors.

"I saw that the governor and his team have a vision and he needed to be encouraged to do another four-year term," he said.

Mr Jonathan charged the governor to do more to meet the high expectations of the people, adding that "to whom much is given, much is expected".

In his response, Mr Diri expressed appreciation to the former president for his support, which contributed to the success of the Peoples Democratic Party at the poll.

"Your endorsement of a sitting governor was more than billions of naira. And so having secured that endorsement, we were very sure of victory. We are here to say a big thank you as that has brought stability in the state.

"With the kind of peace and security we have in our state, Bayelsa is ready for private investors to come in," the governor added.

He also thanked President Bola Tinubu for ensuring a peaceful, free and credible election in the state.

The governor was accompanied by senators and House of Representatives members from the state, former lawmakers, traditional rulers, political appointees and public servants.

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