Nigeria: NAF Airstrikes Kill 12 Terrorists, Destroy Armoury in Borno

7 January 2024

No fewer than 12 terrorists have been killed in airstrikes executed by the air component of Operation Hadin Kai in Borno State.

The airstrikes also destroyed logistics base and other transport equipment of the belligerent group.

The Nigeria Air Force (NAF) Director of Public Relations and Information (DOPRI), Air Vice Marshal Edward Gabkwet, said the airstrikes at Parisu was conducted on January 5, 2024 after terrorists were, for days, observed moving items suspected to be weapons and ammunitions to the area.

He said Parisu, a location near Sambisa Forest, was once a terrorists' enclave deserted after troops had cleared the area of their activities.

However, he said the convergence of terrorists within the location raised suspicion of their intent and plan, hence the order to strike the location.

The statement said aftermath of the strikes led to a huge ball of flames from two adjacent spots within the vicinity, while some surviving terrorists were observed scampering for safety.

"Feedback also revealed that 12 terrorists were neutralized in the strike, and their logistics destroyed, thereby degrading their ability to attack soft targets and own troops," he said.

Gabkwet said similar strikes were also undertaken at a location about 1.5km Southwest of Tumbun Agiri within the Tumbuns in the Lake Chad region on January 5, 2024.

He said intelligence gathered over time had revealed the continuous gathering of armed terrorists in pick-up vehicles and motorcycles at the location.

"The precision strikes on the location led to the destruction of the vehicles, motorcycles as well as elimination of several terrorists," the NAF spokesman added.

He said the Air Component of Operation Hadin Kai had on Tuesday, January 2, 2024 while on an air reconnaissance mission struck some opportunity targets at Tumbun Alura.

The statement added that the targets, which consisted of three canoes, were observed loaded with suspected Premium Motor Spirit (PMS), commonly known as petrol.

They were subsequently engaged with a huge explosion observed afterward.

Furthermore, similar successful strikes were also conducted at Tumbun Buwari and Sabon Tumbun on terrorist structures within the Lake Chad region.

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