Nigeria: Retired General Reveals Shocking Details of Plane Crash That Killed Nigeria's Ex-Army Chief

22 January 2024

Danjuma Ali-Keffi, a major general and former GOC, also speaks on how he was arrested and compulsorily retired for allegedly exposing terrorism financiers.

A former General Officer Commanding (GOC), 1 Mechanised Division of the Nigerian Army, Danjuma Ali-Keffi, has asked President Bola Tinubu to investigate the death of former Chief of Army Staff, Ibrahim Attahiru, in a plane crash, which he linked to terror financiers in the country.

He also petitioned the president over his "illegal arrest", detention and compulsory retirement from service for allegedly exposing how top officials were involved in terror financing during the administration of former President Mohammadu Buhari.

In an interview with ThisDay newspaper published on Monday, Mr Ali-Keffi said Mr Attahiru, under whom he served as GOC, and 11 other military officers, died in a "suspicious" military crash in Kaduna on 21 May 2021.

The tragic incident involved a Nigerian Air Force (NAF) plane which crashed near the Kaduna International Airport, amid adverse weather conditions.

Mr Attahiru was going to Zaria for a passing-out parade of army recruits.

Mr Ali-Keffi said the investigation of the crash was swept under the carpet, as the full report of the investigation was not made known.

He said the late army chief developed a strategy to end terrorism in the North, part of which was an infiltration of terror groups and the instigation of crisis among terror leaders, which resulted in the killing of the Boko Haram leader, Abubakar Shekau, by a rival terror group, Islamic State for West African Province (ISWAP).

PREMIUM TIMES reported how Mr Shekau was killed in a fight between his group and ISWAP.

"Let me put it succinctly, late General Attahiru showed strong commitment to end the insurgency ravaging the northern parts of the country," Mr Ali-Keffi said.

He explained that a crucial aspect of the strategy involved disrupting the oxygen supply to terrorism, targeting both funding and logistics, while actively pursuing the terror financiers.

Mr Ali-Keffi, initially scheduled to receive the late army chief as GOC before the plane crash, pointed to significant deviations in the plans for Mr Attahiru's trip.

These included an unexpected change in travel time, a switch in aircraft, a shift in the landing airport from a military airstrip to the Kaduna International Airport, the landing occurring in turbulent and stormy weather, and a preceding ear-shattering explosion before the crash.

He highlighted the absence of a crater or impact at the crash site, emphasising that the passengers' bodies were ejected and burnt before the aircraft descended, strongly suggesting an "explosion."

He said, "The Operation Service Wide (OSW), a presidential task force, which I was commanding at the time of Late General Attahiru's headship of the Nigerian Army, had as its primary mandate to dismantle the terrorism financing network in order to aid the fight against terrorism and insurgency.

"Late General Attahiru appointed me as GOC 1 Div (whilst still being the Commander of OSW) to enable me to effectively discharge the task (OSW). It is important to note that OSW was not just an investigative outfit but also carried out covert operations to capture, or kill insurgents' leaders and key fighters in the field; destroy insurgent camps and facilities, as well support the military and other security agencies' operations.

"Furthermore, having command of 1 Div served as cover for me to carry out the task (OSW) without attracting unnecessary attention or making people aware of the existence of the outfit (OSW).

"About 2100 hrs on Thursday 20 May 2021, I spoke on the phone with the Chief of Staff (COS) to the late COAS regarding their impending trip to Kaduna the following day (21 May 2021). I had earlier spoken with General Attahiru on the same issue. We ended our conversation on the note that the late COAS and entourage would come by flight at about 1000 hrs the following day.

"About 0630 hrs the following morning, I called the COS to the late COAS to confirm if their travel plan was as we discussed the night before, as I needed to make arrangements for the Mosque that the COAS would attend Jummu'at (Friday) prayers.

"The COS informed me that there was a change of plan. He said after we finished speaking last night, they received a message that the late COAS was to attend a meeting either at the Honourable Minister of Defence (HMOD) office or at the Presidential Villa at about 1000 hrs on Friday 21 May 2021 and that the late COAS was to attend in person and not send a representative.

"It is important to note that the late COAS' trip to Kaduna was part of his visit to Zaria to attend the Passing Out Parade at the Depot NA slated for Saturday 22 May 2021.

"It is worth noting that the movement of service chiefs out of station (Abuja) is with the prior knowledge of the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), the Honourable Minister of Defence (HMOD), and the presidency.

"So, why was a meeting scheduled for about the same time that the late COAS was to have departed for (or arrived) Kaduna and why the insistence that he (COAS) should not be represented?

"In any case, the COS informed me that in view of the meeting, they would depart the Flag House (official residence of the COAS) at about 1530 hrs (after attending the meeting and also after the Jummu' at prayers) for the airport.

"They expected to arrive at the airport at about 1600 hrs, board the aircraft at about 1610 - 1615 hrs and depart for Kaduna. At about 1600 hrs, I was informed that they had arrived at the Presidential Wing of the Airport. I then set off from the Stallion House (official residence of the GOC) with my entourage in a convoy and arrived at the Air Force Base at about 1615 hrs.

"For reasons that I cannot understand till today, the flight was delayed for over an hour and did not take off until 1730 hrs or thereabout. The reason for the delay, as I was informed, was that there was an issue with the aircraft that was initially assigned for the mission (to convey the COAS and his entourage) and that it had to be changed."

Mr Ali-Keffi said they had received information that there would be heavy rainfall accompanied by a storm.

"Meantime, there was a meteorological alert that Kaduna airspace was going to experience heavy rainfall accompanied by storm (wind shear) and it was advised. Already, the cloud had formed in Kaduna, which was visible to us at the airport.

"As a matter of fact, the cloud was so thick, which was indicative of a massive storm. I began to nurse doubts about the flight. At some point, I voiced my doubts to Air Commodore Iyamu and Air Commodore Ilo, who were with me to receive the COAS.

"I even suggested that they should advise Abuja of weather conditions with a view to having the flight cancelled. At that point, I was informed that the aircraft was airborne (at about 1745 hrs). I became concerned as to whether the aircraft would be able to land at the airport in such a heavy rainfall, storm (the rain had started falling then).

"Thus, I was not surprised when Air Commodore Ilo informed me that we had to go to the Civil (International Airport) as the NAF runway was not long enough to enable the aircraft to land under the atrocious weather conditions. We then set off for the International Airport but at a snail's speed due to the heavy rainfall, which was accompanied by shale (ice particles)."

He continued, "When we got to the vicinity of the airport, there was a thunderous sound, which I thought was the sound of thunder. We had earlier cited what I believed was the aircraft descending to land on the runway. When we turned the bend to enter the tarmac, the thought on my mind was that the aircraft had touched down and was taxing to the parking area.

"I couldn't see any aircraft on the runway. I frantically looked around and by the far side of the runway, there was a fireball. It was the aircraft conveying General Attahiru! We got out of the vehicles, crossed the runway and approached the burning aircraft. Firefighters were on hand to put out the blaze. At some point, we had to pull back due to the fear of exploding cylinders.

"We later recovered the corpses of the 10 passengers on board the ill-fated plane far from where the plane wreckage was. Apparently, their bodies, which were on fire, were flung from the aircraft before it came down (already in flames). Furthermore, the aircraft (or what was left of it), at least what I could recollect, was on a relatively flat grassland.

"There was no crater. This was indicative of a mid-air explosion. So, what caused the aircraft to explode? I wonder what the Air Safety and Accident Investigation Bureau report says about the incident."

He further queried, "Was the flight deliberately delayed in order to be caught up in the rainstorm? Was the aircraft sabotaged, which caused it to explode mid-air? Was the explosion caused by explosives? Was a bomb planted in the aircraft or contained in a parcel, which a passenger unknowingly (or knowingly) carried?

Arrested, detained and retired

In an earlier story by Daily Trust extracted from the interview and published on Sunday, Mr Ali-Keffi said he was arrested, detained and retired compulsorily from the army during the Buhari administration.

He said he headed the Presidential Investigative Taskforce set up by Mr Buhari, which exposed how top officials, a top banker and top military brass were involved in terror financing.

He said the revelation resulted in his illegal arrest and 64 days of detention in solitary confinement, where he slept on the floor with consequent health implications.

According to him, while he was in prison, the former president did nothing to rescue him.

His petition to President Tinubu reads; "I was the president of the Board of Inquiry (BOI) with members/secretary drawn from the NCS, NIS, SSS, NIA, ONSA, NFIU as well as from the Police.

"The Board of Inquiry, which largely conducted its work as an investigative body, was tasked to investigate circumstances surrounding the illegal smuggling of petroleum products contained in 168 oil tankers into Benin Republic through a single smuggling route in Ilesa Barbara in Kwara State.

"The BOI went further to uncover 295 oil tankers that conveyed Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) and the major smugglers identified."

The BOI, according to him, made relevant discoveries about the relationship between the smuggling racket, the terrorism besetting the North-east, and the banditry/kidnapping for ransom which was at its formative stage in the North-west and parts of North-central geo-political zones.

He said the involvement of illegal mineral mining in the North-west and North-central regions, coupled with extensive money laundering, primarily designated for ongoing counter-terrorism/insurgency operations in the Northern regions of the country.

He added, "A syndicate, which had an extensive network in the country as well as being affiliated to international criminal network, was as the centre of moving finances for terrorism for other criminal activities stated above.

"The most worrisome aspect was that some of the individuals involved in terrorism financing of Boko Haram terrorists and who were also involved in procurement and movement of arms and ammunition for BH (Boko Haram) and other criminal organisations had links with the military.

"It was thus apparent that terrorism and insurgency in the North-east, North-west and North-central were a criminal enterprise and were largely undertaken with profit rather than any ideology, as the primary motive.

"Thus, we, at the BOI arrived at the obvious conclusion that progress cannot be achieved except the financiers, collaborators, supporters and the leadership of the terrorists and insurgents groups are identified and the network dismantled."

He further stated in the petition that recommendations on the findings were made and submitted to the presidency, which led to the successful infiltration of the leadership of terror groups in the North-east, which culminated in their decimation.

Asserting that key terrorism financiers were linked to the individuals convicted for terror financing in UAE, Mr Ali-Keffi said trouble started when the Task Force became "victims of unfair attacks" including starvation of funding for its operations.

"This substantiates the argument that some powerful persons in and outside government as well as from the military were uncomfortable with the task force and specifically my humble self as commander," he said.

Mr Ali-Keffi sought reward for the pains and injuries inflicted on him during his incarceration and the approval of personal security for his safety.

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