Nigeria: How Social Media Is Breeding Violent Conflict in Nigeria

23 January 2024

In Nigeria, what used to be a platform for healthy banter and exchange of ideas, X (former Twitter), has degenerated to a platform for spreading hate and ethnic dog whistling.

In Nigeria, what used to be a platform for healthy banter and exchange of ideas, particularly X, has degenerated to a platform for spreading hate and ethnic dog whistling. Charlatans and ethnic entrepreneurs who before now had no audience, have suddenly gained traction, amassed huge following and become the leading voices in a senseless battle for ethnic supremacy. The result is heightened polarisation and mutual distrust among citizens of various ethnic groups.

Although Nigeria has a long history of ethnic and religious polarisation, the 2023 general elections triggered the rise of a new set of ethnic nationalists who are now radicalising an entire generation. Sadly, these dangerous folks have discovered an effective means of propagating their agenda, spreading propaganda, and fuelling extremism, as a means to retaining political power and plundering state resources. The tool utilised is social media. What they do not realise, or perhaps choose to ignore, is that their exploitation of social media is accelerating the potential for violent conflict.

In 2012, a group of Buddhist ultranationalists, led by deeply polarising figures like Ashin Wirathu, a monk, took to Facebook to target Muslims throughout Myanmar. They used social media to spread misinformation and fake news that blamed Muslims for violence and all sorts of criminality. In many instances, they described Muslims as invaders of their region who posed a threat to the Buddhist majority. Expectedly, violence broke out within months of this vicious campaign, leading to the killing of several Muslims, with at least 8,000 of them displaced. By January 2018, at least 24,000 Rohingya Muslims had been killed and 18,000 of their women and children brutally raped.

Barbra Walter, a professor of Political Science explained how societies fracture, how social media amplifies the schism, and how such fractures lead to violence. "For a society to fracture along identity lines," she argued, "you need mouthpieces, people who are willing to make discriminatory appeals and pursue discriminatory policies in the name of a particular group. Harnessing the power of the media which they often control, they work to convince citizens that they are under threat from an out group and must band together to counter the threat."

This feeling of being threatened creates a we versus them mentality that radicalises moderates to take extreme positions and make violent confrontation against an outgroup permissible. Once a group is made to believe that it is superior, the tendency to view others as expendables, or as canon fodders necessary to maintain its status becomes a reasonable consideration.

While this phenomenon is driven my reckless politicians who promote identity politics at the expense of ideas and principles, this piece seeks to focus on how social media is an accelerant and why the misguided activities on these platforms would inadvertently lead to violent conflict.

In Nigeria, what used to be a platform for healthy banter and exchange of ideas, X (former Twitter), has degenerated to a platform for spreading hate and ethnic dog whistling. Charlatans and ethnic entrepreneurs who before now had no audience, have suddenly gained traction, amassed huge following and become the leading voices in a senseless battle for ethnic supremacy. The result is heightened polarisation and mutual distrust among citizens of various ethnic groups. If this pattern is left unchecked, violent confrontation will become inevitable.

While this phenomenon is driven my reckless politicians who promote identity politics at the expense of ideas and principles, this piece seeks to focus on how social media is an accelerant and why the misguided activities on these platforms would inadvertently lead to violent conflict. It will also appear that those in authority are ignorant of the dangers posed by the activities of these ethnic nationalists on social media and the need to act urgently.

Why Is Social Media Dangerous?

Barbra Walter also notes that "As social media penetrated countries and gained a large share of people's attention, a clear pattern emerged; ethnic factions grew, social divisions widened, resentment at immigrants increased, and violence began to increase." Hence, she concluded that open unregulated social media platforms turned out to be the perfect catalysts for the conditions that lead to war.

The business model of social media platforms is to keep audiences hooked and engaged for long spells of time. However, various studies by researchers have revealed that what people like the most is fear over calm, and outrage over empathy. People are far more likely to get reactions for their posts by being provocative than by being sensitive. Which is why every now and then, we see people make provocative posts on their pages and when you check their histories, you'd notice that they once were on the opposite side of that incendiary view. Such individuals learnt quickly that it is far easier to go viral by offending people's sensibilities than by showing empathy. In other words, what keeps people engaged, as Professor Barbra concludes, is exactly the information that leads them towards anger, resentment, and violence.

More importantly, it is imperative to consider legislation that makes it unlawful for any person to publish or share contents that portrays criminality, depravity, or the lack of virtue of a group of citizens, of any tribe or religion that exposes them to ridicule or contempt.

Avoiding Conflict

To avoid full-blown conflicts, the most aggressive and brazen voices on social media must be drowned out. We risk the rise of extremists' groups and the worst of ethnic nationalism if we allow these peddlers of hate and misinformation unfettered reach on the internet. Without further delay, the government should enlist the support of social media companies to go beyond sharing community notes on misleading posts, to the outright deactivation of accounts that spread hate and bigotry.

More importantly, it is imperative to consider legislation that makes it unlawful for any person to publish or share contents that portrays criminality, depravity, or the lack of virtue of a group of citizens, of any tribe or religion that exposes them to ridicule or contempt.

Finally, we must encourage the politics of ideas and not of identity. Those who seek to occupy public offices must be made to campaign on their value propositions and not the basis of the ethnic groups that they represent.

Ayodele Adio, a political and communications strategist, is national publicity secretary of Youth Party.

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