Nigeria: We're Committed to Addressing Concerns of South-South Region - Tinubu Tells Traditional Rulers

23 January 2024
press release

President Tinubu said his administration is working to revive the economy from the damage of several years.

President Bola Tinubu has assured traditional rulers in the South-south geopolitical zone that his administration is committed to addressing their concerns over development and environmental degradation.

The president gave the assurance on Tuesday at the State House during a meeting with the South-south Monarchs Forum, led by Felix Mujakperuo, a retired major general, who is the chairman of the Delta State Council of Traditional Rulers, and vice-chairman of the South-south Monarchs Forum.

The president told the royal fathers that his administration is diligently working, both domestically and internationally, to strengthen Nigeria's durability and approach to climate change, environmental restoration, and infrastructure development, all while ensuring security and stability in the region.

Commending the monarchs for their understanding approach to his administration's ongoing economic reforms, particularly the removal of the fuel subsidy, President Tinubu promised that Nigerians would soon enjoy the benefits of these tough, yet necessary decisions.

"We are working to revive the economy from the damage of several years. We seek your support, prayers, and understanding, and I am glad that the vice chairman of the forum served in an organisation where we need intelligence to operate.

"You (the traditional institution) will be the source of the intelligence we need for the holistic development of our country, and anytime you need to tell us something, do not hesitate to reach out to this office. I will take on all of your concerns, and I will address each of them one by one.

"We cannot underestimate your contributions to the peace and stability of this country. Continue to uphold us in your prayers and in talking to our youth to keep faith with the country because light is already visible at the end of the tunnel," the president said.

In his remarks, Mr Mujakperuo appealed to President Tinubu to follow up on all developmental efforts in the region to be sure that progress is tangible to the people.

"Mr. President, you know the problems of our region as an expert with experience in the energy industry. We see you working hard to solve our problems, and we are comforted that you have pledged to take on our concerns and bring a final solution to them," he said.

Ajuri Ngelale

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

January 23, 2024

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