Angola: Can'2023 - Angolan Gelson Dala Is Second Top Scorers

Luanda — The Angolan striker Gelson Dala, with four goals scored, is the second place on the list of top scorers in the African Football Cup of Nations (CAN'2023), led by Emílio Nsue, from Equatorial Guinea, with five.

Algerian Baghdad Boundjah comes in third place with three goals, among the top scorers in the competition that takes place in Côte d'Ivoire, until the 11th of February.

In the immediate positions are Mabululo (Angola), Lanene Camara (Senegal), Mostafa Mohamed (Egypt), Bertrand Traore (Burkina Faso), Lassine Sinayoko (Mali), Ademola Lookman (Nigeria) and Joirdan Ayew (Ghana), all with two goals scored.

An extensive list made up of 51 players, including Angolans Zine and Gilberto (Angola) comes with one goal each.FN/CF/DOJ

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