Nigeria: 6 Dead, Many Wounded As Delta Communities Clash Over Land Dispute

29 January 2024

Bomadi — Pandemonium in riverine communities as Okoloba and Okuama communities in Bomadi and Ughelli South Local Government Areas of Delta State, yesterday, engaged in a shootout over land dispute.

Six persons were confirmed dead while many others sustained bullet wounds in the shootout.

It will be recalled that, the two communities engaged in a war of words over trespass on land and fishing lake, last year, with claims by one of the communities that the other community was threatening to attack them, as they called on the state government to intervene.

However, a community source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, disclosed that shooting actually started on Saturday, where six persons were gunned down with others sustaining bullet wounds.

He said: "You are aware, this crisis has been brewing since last year when our community sent an open letter, calling on the state government to intervene, urging the government to call the aggressor, Okuoma community, to order.

"Yesterday, between 5p.m. and 6p.m., the two communities engaged in a shootout and six persons went down on the side of Okuama, including three mercenaries from other communities. They are Urhobo and Ijaw mercenaries. Today, any side can start the attack again."

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