Liberia: Nimba Lawmakers Break Grounds

Five out of the nine representatives from Nimba County have embarked on early development activities in their respective districts.

The lawmakers over the weekend gathered along with their supporters and jointly broke grounds for the rehabilitation of over 100 kilometers of farm-to-market roads in electoral districts Two, Three, Four, Seven, and Eight, respectively.

They refer to the road project as a great relief for their people who have suffered too long from lack of paved roads to bring their crops to the market.

Villagers lament that lack of roads has caused the death of several citizens, including pregnant women and sick children because of lack of access to facility.

The Nimba lawmakers pay homage to one of their colleagues Representative Musa Hassan Bility of District#7 for providing road construction equipment for the project.

Breaking grounds for the rehabilitation of a 19-km stretch of road from Garr Zuluyee to Garr Yeayeboe Town, Representative Nya G. Flomo noted road remains a major impediment for his district.

"This is my first development to embark on roads across my district; I will make sure to impact their lives with roads, good health, and other basic services", he pledged.

Some citizens of electoral district#2, who spoke to the NEW DAWN, including Austin Yini and Augustin Miller expressed thanks to their lawmaker for such vision.

They recall that in early 1988 some companies came to the district and deceived them, promising to break ground for the reconditioning of the same road but since that time they're yet to see the group, but Representative Flomo who has spent less than two weeks in office is embarking on project.

Representative Flomo refers to the five lawmakers involved in the exercises as different leaders that will promote development, unity, peace, and forgiveness.

In District #3, the lawmakers joined their colleagues Representative Nehken Gaye to break grounds for 43-km road in the district.

Bain-Garr district commissioner Amos Saye Gbatu, thanks Representative Flomo for coming to the rescue of his people.

Representative Gaye says when completed, the road will increase agriculture productivity in the district and benefit citizens of district#4.

Representative Ernest Manseah of District #4 says road connectivity is one of the developmental activities the people of Nimba will boast of in the county because it will boost agriculture activities.

Representative Saye S. Mianah of District #8 joined his colleagues to denounce tribal sentiments that he says are enemies to progress and peaceful co-existence.

Representative Mianah, who broke grounds for rehabilitation of a 15-km road said road connectivity will help reduce hardship among his people because they will have market access to sell produce.

District#7 Representative Musa Bility, urges fellow Nimbaians to embrace development in their various districts.

He reiterates call to fight tribalism and sectionalism in order to make progress in the county while urging citizens to own the project by providing support.

Bories B. Barlea, Chief Executive Officer for Liberia Farmer's Development Cooperation, an agriculture processing and production company, hails the lawmakers for the joint initiative, which he notes will boost agriculture productivity.

However, several citizens, who spoke to this paper, expressed disappointment and frustrations in the leadership of kingmaker and self-proclaim godfather, Senator Prince Yormie Johnson, who has just embarked on his third 9-year term in office, for poorly handling road construction equipment that was procured for the county, including about US$1.2 million development fund that was allotted.

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