Namibia: Announcement of the Passing of H.E Dr Hage G. Geingob, President of the Republic of Namibia, 04 February 2024

President Hage Geingob of Namibia (file photo)

Windhoek — Fellow Namibians,

It is with utmost sadness and regret that I inform you that our beloved Dr. Hage G. Geingob, the President of the Republic of Namibia has passed on today, Sunday 4 February 2024 at around 00h04 at Lady Pohamba Hospital where he was receiving medical treatment from his medical team. At his side, was his dear wife Madame Monica Geingos and his children.

His medical team, as I informed the nation only yesterday has been trying its utmost best to ensure that our President recovers. Regrettably,notwithstanding the team's spirited effort to save his life, sadly, fellow Namibians, President Geingob passed on.

Fellow Namibians,

The Namibian nation has lost a distinguished servant of the people, a liberation struggle icon, the chief architect of our constitution and the pillar of the Namibian house. At this moment of deepest sorrow, I appeal to the nation to remain calm and collected while the Government attends to all necessary state arrangements, preparations and other protocols. Further announcements in this regard will be made.

While keeping the President's bereaved family, and you, dear fellow Namibians, in our thoughts and prayers, Cabinet will convene with immediate effect in order to make the necessary state arrangements in this regard.

May the Soul of our beloved Dr Hage G. Geingob Rest in Eternal Peace.


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