Kenya: City Hall Defends Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital Response to Embakasi Tragic Incident,

5 February 2024

Nairobi — Nairobi County Government has dismissed assertions of inadequate treatment for the victims of the Embakasi East tragedy at Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital.

Complains had emerged that the level 5 hospital was ill-prepared to handle the gas explosion victims with some victims being referred to private chemists to seek medicine due to shortage.

CECM, Health CEC Suzanne Silantoi has clarified that every effort has been made to provide comprehensive medical care to those affected.

"Contrary to the insinuations of chaos and disarray, Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital operated seamlessly, conducting 50 X-rays, 10 ultrasounds, and 8 CT scans. There were zero fatalities in the hospital," She stated.

For a swift response, the facility bolstered the manpower by adding 10 doctors and 15 nurses who worked to attend to 216 patients, with some being treated at the orthopedic center.

"Seven patients to Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) and 17 to Kenyatta University Teaching, Referral & Research Hospital (KUTRRH) for specialised burns care," Sakaja said.

Silantoi defended that Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital serves about 3,000 patients a day with daily admissions of close to 50 patients a day, delivers 70 mothers a day, and operates 50 patients a day hence the assertions are baseless.

"Supplies were continually replenished through collaboration with other Level 5 hospitals, with additional purchases facilitated by the office of His Excellency Governor Sakaja as well as Nairobi Woman Representative Hon. Esther Passaris," he noted.

The tragic aftermath of the Embakasi gas explosion in has seen the death toll climb to six as three more victims succumbed to their burns while undergoing treatment at Kenyatta National Hospital.

Dozens of other victims remain hospitalized with serious burns in various medical facilities across the city, including at least 20 individuals referred to KNH due to the severity of their injuries.

"We regret to report that three more individuals have succumbed to their injuries raising the death toll from the Embakasi Fire incident to six," Government Spokesman Isaac Mwaura said in a statement issued on Monday.

Most of the victims are admitted to KNH, Mama Lucy Hospital and Mbagathi Hospitals.

And following a directive by President William Ruto for the arrest and prosecution of officials who issued licences to the gas plant to operate, police say one official has been arrested.

The official, a director at the National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA), was arrested on Sunday and is assisting police with investigations.

Nairobi Police Commander Adamson Bungei has confirmed the arrest and reiterated the commitment to apprehending all individuals involved.

"We have one of the officials in custody and the search for more including the owners of this plant is ongoing," he said."

He said police are pursuing at least seven suspects connected to the explosion, including Derick Kimathi, the owner of the illegal gas filling plant, Steve Kioko (Kimathi's partner), and the truck driver suspected of causing the explosion.

The status of the driver, whether he escaped or perished in the incident, remains unconfirmed.

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