Liberia: Mcgill Abandons Road Project

Margibi County — -withdraws yellow machine

While making threatening remarks to a journalist for reporting on his action to retrieve a yellow machine he had carried to do road work in fulfillment of his campaign promise, Margibi County Senator Nathaniel Falo McGill says President Joseph Nyumah Boakai should develop the country because he is the one in charge, as the CDC lost the 2023 election.

He said the roads are now President Boakai's responsibility to handle.

In a rather angry tone, Sen. McGill, who withdrew the yellow machine from the road after former President George Weah conceded defeat, told Classic FM Manager, Emmanuel Degleh via phone recently: "Your got to be careful, you know what happened in this country here ooo. When you put your mouth on me pekin, I ain't small man. Your put your mouth on me during the campaign; I ain't talk, your ain't get tired. You're still talking. My man, that's why I called you this Sunday ooo."

Before being called by the senator, Emmanuel Degleh had earlier discussed on his radio show the action by McGill to withdraw the yellow machine from the Bulorquelleh Road after the elections despite commitment made to complete the road.

Most residents say the senator had promised to pave the road from Bulorquelleh Junction to Bong Mines.

The people of Margibi District#4 continue to complain that Sen. McGill abandoned the road project because former President Weah lost the elections.

Some say they are disappointed in the senator because they voted him overwhelmingly to do their developments, so his excuse should not dwell on Mr. Weah.

During campaign in 2023 while committing himself to do the road work, the Margibi Senator requested the citizens to elect him and Mr. Weah so that the CDC-led government would continue with development but on the contrary, Ambassador Joseph Nyumah Boakai of the Unity Party was elected, instead.

This is said to have triggered his action to remove the yellow machine from the road.

The New Dawn also gathered from sources within Sen. McGill's circle advised him not to remove the machine from the road but he insisted that President Boakai should do the road for the people because they voted for him (Boakai) instead of Weah.

In the cellphone conversation the senator had with the reporter, McGill is also heard saying: "The place I took that road, the place the road reached and stopped, how long has that road taken? Even when I stop there and say that's the place my hand stop eh. I ain't able to get money now because we na win, I got to position myself and come back to look for money and try and to do the work, that crime I commit? I get nine years for people to be saying this and that. O the man na carry road there because Weah na win. What your want get out of this thing yeah? Joseph Boakai, that's Joseph Boakai's time na to do the work. That's his responsibility there. What your want every day, McGill, McGill, McGill!"

Meanwhile, some of the citizens say Senator McGill should desist from making intimidating statements as a sanctioned person because it is a human rights violation, one of the basis of the U.S. sanction against him.

But others say he should buttress President Boakai's efforts in the county in doing developments as a senator because it's part of his responsibility too.

McGill who went to Margibi after his sanction to seek the county's senatorial position was initially denounced heavily by the citizens but used cash inducement to make his way through.

His controversial background and his sanctioned status are two of his major problems that he has to battle within the county, but as it stands, some Margibians believe that Senator McGill is right to do anything of his wish now because he used his money to influence voters. Editing by Jonathan Browne

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