Liberia: How Much Boakai Worth?

President Joseph Nyumah Boakai has declared his assets before the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC), less than a month after assuming office.

Mr. Boakai has promised to lead anti-corruption efforts in his administration, and he has ordered three state agencies, including the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) to be audited.

He succeeded former Liberian soccer icon Amb. George Manneh Weah following a tense election process last year.

Weah's regime faced allegations of corruption, and several of his top officials are placed on U.S. sanctions.

While declaring his assets Thursday, 8 February 2024 at the LACC, Amb. Boakai said his action to declare his assets demonstrated his unwavering commitment to promote transparency and ensure accountability.

"As leaders, we must lead by example. Despite the confronting challenges in our country, we must set the pace for others to follow," said Amb. Boakai.

"In this vein, I've have declared my assets here today to ensure transparency and accountability which I think is in the right path of advancing our country going forward," he continued.

"We must act morally and responsibly if we hope to advance, flourish, and leave this nation as a future for the next generation," he noted.

President Boakai also stressed the importance of upholding the principles of honesty as President of the state.

"In order for them to evaluate me in the future, I therefore disclose my assets to ensure that they are aware of what I am bringing to the table. Thus, in fulfilling my pledge, this is what I've done," said President Boakai.

President Boakai noted that openness and transparency are the cornerstone of good governance.

As leader, he said he will ensure the right thing is done in the interest of the people, stating that he has come to serve and leave an impact.

President Boakai then urged his officials to follow suit and adhere to the highest ethical standards, stating, "We must hold ourselves accountable to the people we serve."

Meanwhile, what is in Boakai's assets declaration is the mouthwatering question on the lips of his critics who will have to wait on the LACC to make them available.

Mr. Boakai served as the 29th vice president of Liberia from 2006 to 2018 under former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.

Before that role he also served as Agriculture Minister from 1983 to 1985.

Mr. Boakai also served as Chief Technical Advisor on Agriculture Policy at the Ministry of Agriculture where he constituted the review and evaluated the Liberian 1986 proposed Green Revolution and FAO World Bank, the 1986 Agricultural Sector Review Document.

He evaluated AMSCO, Amsterdam-funded training program for projects in Uganda in 1994 and Tanzania in 1996.

The President is also said to be the owner of LUSU Resource Corporation and co-owner of AGROMACHINES Liberia.

President Boakai also worked as a resident manager, Liberia Produce Marketing Corporation (LPMC) from (1973-1980) and managing director (1980-1982), among other positions.

On Wednesday, 7th February President Boakai and Vice President Jeremiah Koung led a team of government officials to take an Anti-Drugs test after Mr. Boakai had declared drugs a national health emergency during his recent State of the Nation address (SONA) before the 55th Legislature.

The President also assured Liberians about his government's commitment to vigorously address substance abuse in the country with urgency, reaffirming his commitment to leading a drug-free state.

President Boakai also said taking the drugs test is in keeping with his commitment to lead by example.

He told reporters that the action was in fulfillment of his promise to lead the Anti-Drugs campaign by being the first person along with his Vice President to take the test which will boost the fight against substance abuse.

The test was conducted by the Wellness Partners Clinic here, a local health facility that reports the President and his Vice President tested negative and showed no trace of illegal substances in their bodies. Editing by Jonathan Browne

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